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UtahJay, here is a question for you

Why is it so important for you to push for prayer is school? Outside of a need for pushing one groups' religious beliefs, there is no other reason for it.  If it is important for you to have your family prayer at the start to each say, then do it at your house as a family before you leave for work/school/whatever.  It is NOT the responsibility of our public school system to ensure your children's religious needs are met, that is a family issue and if the family is not able to provide such, then it is the family's fault.

And our laws should NEVER be based on religious ideas, since that goes against the whole concept of freedom.  If we follow Biblical laws, then no one works on the sabbath (Now which day is the sabbath again?). So EVERYTHING should close down on Sundays (Or Saturdays, depending on your beliefs, so we better play it safe and close it all down both days). And since the Bible does not give any exceptions, that means police and firemen and basically EVERYONE has to take the day off, since to do otherwise is to sin. And you don't go to church on that day, no where in the Bible does it tell you to go to church on the Sabbath.  You stay home and do NOTHING but the minimal necessities.  The Bible goes into great detail at one point about all that you are allowed to do on the Sabbath, and I have never once seen any single believer ever try to follow those rules.  Seriously, you are no even allowed to cook food,it should all be prepared the day before so you can heat it up.

So not only would following the rules of the Bible be foolish and destroy individual freedoms, but it would bring about the fall of our society (Unless of course you picked and choose as to what parts of the Bible we should follow, but no one would ever do that kind of thing).

And there is no justice if we base our legal system on Bible ideas.  The Bible does say to treat non-believers differently than believers.  It also have a bunch of rules about how debt should be handled that could never work in the modern world.  And then we have the idea of forgiveness, that conservatives seem to ignore, which if applied to our legal system would allow every criminal to go free, but that would only be if we followed the teaching of Jesus in how we ran the system.

Our laws needs to be based on the needs of the people above all else and the best way to ensure the most in freedom and liberty for all.

posted by kooka_lives on August 3, 2010 at 7:53 PM | link to this | reply

UtahJay, you still don't get it

You are looking at a very, vary simple level of freedom.  If you want freedom to work and to last it has to go well beyond that and that is where the separation of Chruch and State is really important.  True, lasting freedom CANNOT be if that separation is not there and yes, it has to be a solid brick wall, or in the end the simple freedom becomes meaningless as the religious ideas destroy it. It has happened here in the USA and it is happening in the Middle East and there are those trying to make it happen again here in the US, only even more so.

I got a lot to say on this, but right now I have a lot of other stuff I have to take care and I should have known better than to check Blogit out while I was so busy.

posted by kooka_lives on August 2, 2010 at 2:49 PM | link to this | reply

In reply
I most certainly do understand freedom, we are practicing it right now my friend. The great thing about this country is that we both have the right to our opinion and who is wrong and who is right doesn't matter. That is why we have elections which is where the problem lies. Our government is supposed to be of the people and for the people and has turned into a government of the government and for the government. They tell us that they are republicans or they are democrats but once elected they become the party of the incumbents and to stay there they enslave our children with a mountain of dept. Right now each man woman and child owe 180.000.00 and climbing and as long as they can keep us arguing they keep them selves safe. You see in the big picture we are really vary small and life will go on with us or without us. Love ya...Utah Jay

posted by UtahJay on August 2, 2010 at 12:18 PM | link to this | reply

UtahJay, you don't understand at all

And the scary thing is there are far too many like you who do not understand the true essences of freedom because they have these religious blinders on. If we allow prayer in school and the Ten Commandments in court house, we DESTROY freedom and make it easier for others to come in and destroy it more.

I hope you do not take this as trying to be insulting or some kind of attack towards you, but if you cannot grasp the true and honest need for separation of church and state, then I have to say that you do not understand how freedom has to work if it is to be true freedom. Too many people don't understand that and so our society had been held back time and time again as religion fights against freedom.

I'll do more to address you comment when I am more awake. It's been a long weekend for me with late nights working on the 48 film project.

posted by kooka_lives on August 1, 2010 at 6:57 PM | link to this | reply

All that Jefferson and the Founders were worried about was having one religion declared the religion of the government, we must remember why the fathers of the Founders came here in the first place. They wanted a land where each could worship or not as his heart desired. There are hundreds of quotes from all the founders that state this clearly. The congress its self had bibles printed. It is cute the way we make our own definitions for the words of the past, but when you look at the whole body there is no question that the Founders believed that " that the dispositions and habits which lead to the political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports" Washington, from his farewell address. John Adams Said "Our constitution was made only for a moral and reigious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other". And one last thing, all those oathes our leaders and judges take swearing to God, of what value are they to those who take them do not believe in God Almighty?Good morning Kooka...Utah Jay

posted by UtahJay on August 1, 2010 at 10:22 AM | link to this | reply