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I would like to know here in the bill it says anything at all about allowing the government to keep track of what we are buying with our credit cards.  That sounds like propaganda to me.  I can find nothing out there on that one.

Government take over of companies.... yeah, that is all propaganda and has nothing real to back it up. I've seen that claim thrown around so many and normally it is with the claims that Obama is a communist and a Muslims and is trying to destroy this country and so on. Paranoid claims just because you dislike a person's political views does not prove anything.

What I saw as unAmerican is to hand over our freedoms to Big Business and Wallstreet by taking away all regulation of them and allowing them to do as their please.  That more than anything else is what has created the recession we are in.  Government regulation is clearly needed because the banks and Big Business don't care to regulate themselves at all.

Is this a perfect bill? No, of course not.  No such thing.  But it is needed and in the end, once it is adjusted, it will be for the best.

Go and read my past posts ad dyou will find that while I am liberal in my thinking, I very much have issue with the Democratic party.  I just feel it is a better choice than the Republicans.  When I have the choice I preferr to vote third party myself. All in all the republicans and the democrats are too much alike, with the democrats being just slightly better, in no small part because they do not wish to force religious ideas on all of us.

I won't go into my religious beliefs here.  You can check out my religious blog if you want to learn them.

posted by kooka_lives on July 24, 2010 at 5:04 PM | link to this | reply

Fanny May and Freedy Mac
It was Barney Frank and the Dems. who said that they wanted to roll the dice on Fanny May and Fredy Mc and so came the crash, read the rolls of congress. This bill fails to address these bloated government failures that if left the way they are, are sure to fail again. This is nothing more than a way for government to take over companies and to watch every purchase we make with our credit cards, it's in the bill, and that just don't seem American to me. The national Interstate hyway bill was 28 pages. Two thousand pages in this bill are just to many pages that no one has read to hide the evils of government. We can no longer trust the right or the left to do anything in our best intrust. Haven't you figured it out yet, it's not the Republicans or the Democrats, it is the party of the incumbents...We must stand together with God and love...Utah Jay

posted by UtahJay on July 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM | link to this | reply

if conservatives keep telling and believing lies . . .

posted by Xeno-x on July 21, 2010 at 7:07 PM | link to this | reply