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Good points
2008 was the first time in a long time that I voted within the system, but Ralph Nader's warnings about the two party-corporate monopoly were echoing in my mind. But what third choice did progressives have; surely not Ron Paul. So, fingers crossed for Obama, but no deal..
Speaking of Nader, I agree with his view that true campaign finance reform must be the starting mark for change. Without it the ultra wealthy interests are able to buy and control government. Any hope of electing people who will work for all of the people is effectively buried under the kind of cash they invest.
The challenge is how to get that reform legislated because so many officials; the majority I feel, are enriched at our expense.
Things were good economically under Clinton and even for a spell with Bush, BUT they both, along with their cohorts in Congress and the Senate, laid the foundations for the massive collapse that occurred in '08 - intentionally or not, I don't know, but Nafta, grossly imbalanced trade standards with China, companies largely unpunished for illegally hiring what amounts to slave like labor (while the immigrants themselves are targeted for blame in the loss of decent paying jobs, when it's the employers who are reaping the gains of not paying these people enough to survive) and repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act were the bricks and mortar of ruin for the masses.
And Obama and fellow Democrats surely aren't chiseling. 

posted by Katray2 on July 15, 2010 at 8:20 AM | link to this | reply

you are quite right, son -- but not right

but somewhere to the left of right.

Both parties are so obligated to big money that they cannot work for the average American.

And the Right- Wing is so blindly fanatical as to be the scariest thing to come along wince Dubya.

A party that would help the people? That's hard to come by.

If people could just examine the facts, then maybe  we would start moving in the right direction.

and not to the right either.

posted by Xeno-x on July 15, 2010 at 6:35 AM | link to this | reply