Comments on Bad stuff happens to good people

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I'm at #4 now?
Oh, I better get this going agian.
I've been busy, sorry.
I'll get it going again ASAP, I promise.

posted by kooka_lives on December 12, 2003 at 5:45 PM | link to this | reply

where are you kooka? You dropped down to #4 and you quit writing.

posted by cantey on December 12, 2003 at 4:59 PM | link to this | reply

at what point did I give God
human traits? I quoted scripture; His own Word.

posted by PastorB on December 9, 2003 at 4:52 PM | link to this | reply

I like the rain too
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I've felt that way many times myself. I don't know what I believe at the moment. I think I lean toward a Zen view, where everything just Is, and none of it has any meaning. You just feel each moment as it passes, good or bad.


posted by half-italian on December 8, 2003 at 5:15 PM | link to this | reply

I agree that 'the way that we grow the most is through suffering', but that really does not work with what I am saying here.
Not everyone suffers. Some poeple who do not suffer need to and some people who suffer do not need to. God does not seem to pay any attention to who should and should not suffer, it is all random. God has nothing to do with it. If he is real, then he is not doinghsi job very well.

posted by kooka_lives on December 8, 2003 at 5:13 PM | link to this | reply

I like the rain
Why does everyone always have to put rain down?

posted by kooka_lives on December 8, 2003 at 5:09 PM | link to this | reply

Kooka, I'll keep it short and sweet so I don't bore you.
The Bible even says that "rain falls on the just and the unjust."  And the way that we grow the most is through suffering.  Our biggest blessings in life come from hard times, because they change us from the inside out rather than the other way around. 

posted by Inkling on December 8, 2003 at 2:10 PM | link to this | reply

Yet again giving God human traits and then saying he is more than human. Which of course is saying he has flaws, yet he is perfect.

posted by kooka_lives on December 7, 2003 at 9:14 PM | link to this | reply

I have tried twice now to read that whole thing and I just got too bored to be able to finish it.
From what I saw it doesn't really deal with the issue though, just dances around it.
I am too out of it right now to care though. It's been a long day.

posted by kooka_lives on December 7, 2003 at 9:13 PM | link to this | reply

Isaiah 54:15 "..if anyone fiercely assails you it will not be from Me.." (God said that).

posted by PastorB on December 7, 2003 at 8:02 PM | link to this | reply

let me direct you to
Isaiah 54:9 "....So I (meaning God) have sworn that I will not be angry with you nor will I rebuke you." That's a promise from God. Refering to His children. Yes, God has wrath. Just as a mortal father has when his child disobeys. But God promises to love us and not be angry.

posted by PastorB on December 7, 2003 at 8:01 PM | link to this | reply

The Bible actually answers the very questions and issues that you raise, I will try to answer some of them in a condensed form. If I tried to answer all of them with all of the knowledge I have learned over many years it would take a month to write this, so bear with me:

It seems that bad things happen to Christians much of the time and God seems aloof and indifferent to their miserable circumstances, which seems illogical as you point out. You would think He would lavish His own with wealth and materialistic prosperity and influence in order to further His agenda in the earth. Very logical, and you are absolutly correct.  I say to you that it is His will that His people receive these things. In order to understand why Christians do NOT receive good things from the hand of God and also protection from bad things you must understand spiritual laws that are in motion. Spiritual law is just as real if not more real than phyisical law. Just as the earth has physical laws such as gravity,  to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, etc, the realm of the unseen world,(the spiritual realm) has laws as well. You have children, right? I am sure you have taught your children basic laws such as a hot stove will burn you if you touch it. Of course you teach your children many of such laws that govern this natural world. A world that is governed by the law of physics. Why do you teach them these laws? So they will not be hurt or killed. Not only these things, but you teach them many precepts and principles that are contained in this world so they will succeed and be in good health. The point is this PHYSICAL WORLD is FULL of LAWS. And it is your responsibility as a parent to teach your kids these laws because you want them not only to survive but succeed.

God is called our Father. He is the ultimate prefect Parent. He has given us His wisdom and guidence in all things that pertain to life. It is up to us to not only learn HIS laws but to teach them to our children.  If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour than you are translated out of the dominion of Satan ( the deceiver) and into the Kingdom of Gods Son Jesus. The Spirit of Jesus comes to live in your being to guide you into all truth and teach you all things, to also help you discern what is false and not of God. It is imperitive to have Gods Spirit in our lives because there are so many voices and paths in this life. How are we to know what is right? Even if you do not believe any of this Gospel, God the Father still loves you with an intense love akin to but not nearly as powerful as the love you have for your own children. He will always love you. His love for you is not predicated on any thing you do or dont do. The reason why His children suffer is this:

Hosea 4: 6 "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge". SPIRITUAL LAW. The Bible is full of promises of protection and healing and prosperity but if you are ignorant of them you will not enjoy them.

also many people are suffering because of a culmination of decisions they have made throughout life. Genesis 8:22: "As the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease"  Galations 6:7: " Let no person be deceived, Gods laws are not to be set aside, what a person sows, they will also reap." SPIRITUAL LAWS. These decisions were made in ignorance or rebellion to the laws of God, the results of these decisions are not God testing His peoples faith anymore than you as a parent would test your own childrens faith in you with pain and suffering. That is child abuse, and God is not guilty of it.

People die and suffer because they are ignorant of spiritual law, and this is not the fault of The Parent, he has given us the means of understanding how to succeed in this life and be safe. But Gods children need to be taught these things because they are vast and initially alien to our minds. This is because many people are not even taught basic responsibility and accountability because of ill parenting. Again not the fault of God.The job of the five fold ministry: pastor, apostle, prophet, evangelist and teacher is to educate God's people by the Spirit of God under the direction of Jesus the Anointed One who is also the Lord advocate General of the Church, in  these laws and how to use them. You mentioned once that Jesus never taught anything or never teaches anymore, but he most definantly did and still does, the question is are we listnening? But still it seems that terrible disasters happen to intelligent well educated God fearing people. Why is this? I dont know the reason for every single incident, but I do know that Psalm 91 outlines the divine protection promises of God to His people. But like everything else, these promises must be received and appropriated by faith. You cant have faith in something you dont know about.Once again, that is the job of the five fold ministry, to feed the flock of Jesus with knowledge and understanding. You are not presently a believer but you still experience prosperity, this is because the moral intelligence that is ingrained in your personality is directly or indirectly from Gods laws. laws, physical and spiritual, work when they are put to work, they are no respecter of persons. Bottom line: we are free moral agents, and we reject Gods instruction, believers and non believers. We this happens we suffer, believers and non believers.


posted by cantey on December 7, 2003 at 7:48 PM | link to this | reply

I never said God does the bad things, although if the Bible is to be trusted, then he does.
I just said he allows bad things to happen to good poeple for no reason.

posted by kooka_lives on December 7, 2003 at 2:07 PM | link to this | reply

it amazes me
that some people constantly want to blame God for the "bad" things in life. What a warped understanding of the mercy and grace of God.

posted by PastorB on December 7, 2003 at 9:09 AM | link to this | reply