Comments on to RedStatesMan, A NOTE ABOUT APRIL FOOLS DAY

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Somehow it makes us feel different from other days but it should not be done on serious matters

posted by adventurer02 on November 6, 2015 at 11:23 PM | link to this | reply

RSM, still very clueless I see
It really is something that you are so unable to understand English here. I've read 'The God Virus', so I very much understand that you are infected and it is basically destroying your ability to deal with reality and grasp the words that are right in front of you.  I mean for this to be your reply... Did you read a thing I wrote or is this like when you claimed to have listened to a podcast and all you did was glance at our site and then decide what we must have said based on your ignorance and biases about atheists and liberals?

So the point of my post was that your supposed 'joke' does not work becasue the ONLY person at that time who had done an April Fools post was your buddy and possible 'more', who is a CONSERVATIVE FUNDAMENTALIST.  So that would against your claim here about 'truth in humor'.  That is why if you wish to claim it all to be satire, ti was piss poor satire.  So obviously you dontoundersntad satire or humor, all you understand is throwing baseless insults to put down any and all who are not like you. Please go adn read the Onion and watch the Daily Show and learn what satire is and how it works, because both you and Corbin are clueless about such things.

So I use your name ONCE in a post and you are an a-hole about it. How many times have you used my name in a post? What a pure hypocrite you are still shwoign yourself to be.  Is there anything you can do that does nto show yourself to be a hypocrite of the highest order?  If you were a real man and able to deal with countering views,and not have blocked me for a purely hypocritical reason (Although looking at the timing, my guess is you did it so I could not push the podcast issue any more and blocking me was just far easier than actually showing the slightest bit of integrity for once), I would not have to use this method as away to reply to you.

I am surprised you take such a huge insult so lightly.  I mean I would have to slap a person who called me a conservative, let along the ultimate conservative.  Although I guess since I didn't say the 'ultimate conservative fundamentalist', I was not as insulting as I could have been.

posted by kooka_lives on April 2, 2010 at 7:45 AM | link to this | reply

Once Again I Have Failed

I have failed and went with something in this post that I thought for sure you of all people would have picked up on. Remember this?

Remember when I posted this? This post of mine was from this previous post of mine. Not Corbin's post.

Try to keep up and do not owrry about things so much. Some of my posts on here are tongue-in-cheek and I do chuckle while writing some. Now go back to your Bush bashing. Sorry if interrupted you. Oh, and please refrain using my name in your titles on your posts. It means I have to correct you when I see my name. By the way, thanks for calling me the ultimate conservative on your rant about how I blocked you. Flattery may get you unblocked one day! However, I think Corbin or Justi may deserve that title more than I.

Oh, say hi to Xerox for me, ok? Have a great EASTER weekend! He arose! And you will meet him one day!

posted by RedStatesMan on April 1, 2010 at 5:40 PM | link to this | reply