Comments on Letter to the Department with regard to my potential dismissal for

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No Mal it has been sent because I won't ever teach in a classroom again
I have post traumatic stress disorder symptoms from that time and yes, I believe that is what that principal intended. The lack of logic behind some of the things he did and how he pulled me down has had an impact on me emotionally and psychologically. I am not saying 'poor me'. The opposite now. I will refuse to be sent back to a country town school where I am socially isolated from my support systems and destroyed further. I refuse to be bullied further by these people. At present I have my mother telling me that I should 'foster' Nir out for a 'while' and I will see the difference in my life. It will be much more 'convenient for you and you will see such a difference in your life without the child hanging around your neck.'  I actually told her how disgusting I felt that suggestion was and she hung up on me. I really don't care. I will have to struggle through and raise Nir with the emotional support from friends and a good counsellor and to start a business tutoring. I will not teach in a classroom in a school situation again. It goes a bit deeper than that and that is why I have written this letter in answer to a letter they sent me threatening me with dismissal if I do not return to the school where I was bullied in the country about 500 kilometres from Melbourne and where the principal is a mate of the Principal at the original school. I am up against a person who is totally unscrupleous and has lots of contacts in the Education Department that he will use to destroy my life because his Christian beliefs see someone like myself as vulnerable and fair game. He loathes single women with children and believes that they all have some sort of personality defect and should not have children or should give them to families to raise in 'proper family conditions'. For him the fact that I had a baby by IVF and then split from my husband - he sees that I did that deliberately and that I should have the child taken from me. He believes that as an older woman, I cannot and should not raise my son and I definitely should not be a teacher in his eyes.

It is a long story and no I do not think I will be able to teach in a classroom setting again.

posted by Norwood on May 6, 2009 at 10:30 AM | link to this | reply

Nor- knowing school administrations, I'm not sure this tactic will help much, if at all.  It will probably have the opposite effect. They will see it as a "poor me" always-the-victim way to soak the system, no matter how abysmally you were treated.  Saying that the way you were treated once will prohibit you from ever teaching again is a red flag those in the educational system take note of.  Did you actually send this letter, or are you venting here?  If indeed you sent it, and it becomes part of your file, schools will be reluctant to hire you for fear of future lawsuits.  That's just the way it is, so I firmly hope that this was for Blogit eyes only!!  My sister-in-law has had awful principals in the schools in which she teaches.  She is a Jew in a Southern Baptist town, and she's had to deal with attacks on her personality.  But she's managed to get around it by standing ground and refusing to be victimized.  (She teaches Emotionally Disabled kids).  She, too, was beaten as a child, and she raised her daughter by herself.  It's tough, but it can be done.  Mal

posted by gapcohen on May 6, 2009 at 5:02 AM | link to this | reply

Wow.....what a horrible situation for you to be in.....

posted by NiteTide on May 5, 2009 at 8:35 PM | link to this | reply