Comments on Suppression

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Review: Suppression


Hold it in        
This two shall pass     This too shall pass
It will be al right         It will be all right 
The sun will shine
That's what they
Keep saying
Feeling like
It will be ok
My heart hurts
With each day
I keep smiling
While dying inside
The outer image
Is a masterpiece
Inner is an ugly duckling
The addiction of a mad man


An interesting poem. I think it shows some of your inner frustration at having to 'play the game' as opposed to being your true self. Thus you surpress so many of your true feelings and ideas about things.

I wondered whethe you meant the suppressions were the addictions of the madman (like in a lunatic) or a mad man (like in angry)? That I think fits the bill better.

In my opinion, you need to discover and free that inner 'mad man' - heal him - and then turn outwards to the world to radiate back the new inner peace you have found. Find your true self and be at peace.

There is a very good (short) book which intellectually explains some of the steps to do this by Deepak Chopra MD called Power, Freedom and Grace. It is liberating.

Another fascinating take on life and most helpful, also by Deepak Chopra, is called The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. You can get it on an old audio-cassette or a newer version I believe on CD. It really is worth it.

I wish you peace and success and freedom from Supression!

'Jonathan  aka ''Raphael' 

posted by Raphael222 on May 2, 2009 at 1:51 PM | link to this | reply