Comments on OK...That's Taking The Mask Thing A Bit Far, Don't You Think?

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I believe that this mask....
exceeds the limit allowed by law. What an idiot!

posted by Texas_Gem on May 1, 2009 at 7:57 PM | link to this | reply

i think that its all being taken a little too far
lets count back,, there was Haunte virus, Legionaires, Aids, Hiv,, cholera,, the plague,, and of course,,, lets not forget the vaccine they put on our tongues for something or other back when i was a sixth grader,,, and then there is the fact,,, that ,,,, I GOT THE CHICKEN POX<<<NOT SHINGLES<<< BUT THE CHILDHOOD VERSION at the ripe old age of 44. We should also count,, fibromyalgia,, alzheimers, polio,, autism,,, the list is endless. But,, maybe what we should do is JUST QUIT SPRAYING THE DAMN CROPS and let the farmers go back to the 40's and do their thingy. GEEZZZZZZZZZZZ  oops I forgot about cancer, diabetes, hypoglycemia,,

posted by jesse_jean on May 1, 2009 at 4:55 AM | link to this | reply