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Re: Why?

I was going to call the police if they tried to come in my room. My family lives back in Wisconsin and not in Cali where I am. And my roommate was in her room drunk with one of the other guys and no idea what was going on. My other girlfriends were already sleeping and I have more guy friends out here then girlfriends.

Thats why I just locked myself in my room.

posted by LJMaggie on March 30, 2009 at 5:04 PM | link to this | reply


Im intrigued why do you need a guy friend to depend upon?

Why didnt you call your family or girlfriends or the police?

Sometimes we just need to depend on ourselves and if you need to reach out to someone

girlfriends (from experience) are far more reliable.

We are all fabulous women who dont need any man to depend on in a crisis.  Guaranteed they'll disappointed you every time.

Best wishes


posted by Ellielf on March 25, 2009 at 10:52 AM | link to this | reply

Today is International Women's Day. Let's celebrate by accepting that if we want independence and equal rights we've got to stand on our own two feet and not ring 'guy friends' when we are feeling less than confident. You got through last night's scary situation all on your own,  which proves that you are are a 100% strong OK woman!

posted by elinjo on March 8, 2009 at 5:22 AM | link to this | reply