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RSM, God has no flaws?
Then we must not be talking about the God of the Bible, since that God is filled with flaws at every turn.  That God even openly admits it at times, like when he straight out admits to being a jealous God.

And I never made the choice to not believe in God.  it would be a lie against who I am to believe.  I have no choice at all if I am true to who I am.  I am unable to believe in God.

Also according to your logic I might be getting into Heaven if I am wrong.  I was baptized when i was young, so according to some beliefs I was saved then, so I can do whatever I please now and not have to worry if I am wrong in my beliefs.

posted by kooka_lives on March 28, 2009 at 7:11 PM | link to this | reply

Re: hey, fellow-post-it

I fin it odd in these comments and blogs on a topic such as this that it is always assumed the God has made people do something. God has no flaws. He gave men a brain so they could make the choice to follow Him or not. So with this ability that I have to make a choice to follow God or not then I have the freedom to go in whatever direction I would choose to even though accepting God and His love for us is the right choice, still I have a choice. So I could have chosen to follow a direction of killing anyone who does not agree with me, of course I have not and will not do such a thing nevertheless it is Man and his decision making, not God. Kooka has made the choice to be an atheist and I have made the choice to be a Christian. The Karan may teach to go out and kill whomever does not believe like you do but the Bible does not.  

There are nuts everywhere, whether they be Christian or atheist. I do not agree that you have to 'rack up' good deeds in order to get into heaven yet some members of my extended family believe this and practice this on a daily basis. I also believe in 'once saved always saved' yet there are some Baptist churches who do not agree with this thought. This it itself tells you that it is Man who makes these choices in life and God will never lead you astray.

posted by RedStatesMan on March 28, 2009 at 1:38 PM | link to this | reply

howie, thank you for your comment
A little long,but you showed that you do respect people who do not share your beliefs and that alone is something i am finding all too rare with believers here on Blogit.

I do feel your biblical logic is flawed in that you are saying God will allow such killings in his name if it is just the way your civilization is at that point.  Basically you have just defended terrorism.  And a lot of the stories of mass murder in God's name is far from being self defense.  Too often in the Bible we see the righteous go out and kill because they find some group to be offensive towards them, as well as God giving laws about stoning people for all manner of transgression. The Levites killed three thousand of their own people because Moses told them to, claiming that was what God wanted them to do to show that they really were loyal to God and that they would be greatly blessed for such a slaughter.

I keep track of the going ons of people such as the woman who inspired this post because ti is those like her who are the most dangerous of the believers.  While I am well aware that hey are mostly just after attention, we still need to be aware of those like her and keep an eye on them.  If their kind ever got any real power to shape the world, it would be scary.

I very much respect that you have found something in your religious ideas that give you comfort and clarity in life.  I also hope that you will respect that I found the same kind of peace and clarity by traveling a different path. I would recommend you go back in my posts here and find some of the ones I have written about what atheism has done for me and where I was before I figured out my beliefs. Basically don't try to push your beliefs on me as being better and I will show you the same respect. If you can understand this, we should be able to get along just fine and be able to exchange ideas and have a civil and intelligent dialog.

posted by kooka_lives on March 1, 2009 at 4:50 PM | link to this | reply

hey, fellow-post-it

I read your post about not following God's laws.  I thought that it was quite interesting to say the least.  I am a minister, by the way.  One whose health issues have forced him out of pulpit life, at least from a pastoral perspective, at the ripe old age of 35.  Yes, to put it in common terms, it sucks; however, if all goes well, I should get to make a trip to Peru to spend a month helping our missionaries build an updated facility, and following that hopefully I will make it to Ethiopia to visit the little girl that I sponsor.  Anyway, I wanted to tell you that some of us from the religious side of the table do not think that what you posted is ridiculous.  Although, we would contend that you have made some observations on an unclear understanding either of what you were taught somewhere along the way, or what you have read and attempted to understand on your own.  It would be easy after surface reading the Old Testament writings to put down the Bible and say that the same God who said, "Thou shalt not kill" taught a chosen little group over here in another corner that it was ok for them to go out and destroy other nations.  Service to the God of the Bible has always fit within the confines of the culture that a person lived in at the time.  The requirements have also always found basis in the knowledge or the capability to have the knowledge about what pleased or displeased God.  Now, in the case, of the Old Testament incidents you refer to about God telling people to go destroy another people, what if we add to what we have read in Scripture, information about the culture of mankind as a whole then.  It was not as if they were attacking people who meant them no harm.  Besides that era of history was marked by people who were a warring people.  The nations literally had a set time of the year when their kings went out to war.  It was custom.  It was not from animosity so much as it was from an "I'm badder than you" mentality and they felt they had to prove it.  This is the kind of culture that Israel became a nation in during the Old Testament times.  If they didn't fight, they would get demolished.  So, they took their plight to God in prayer and he often gave them plans for how to defeat their enemies.  Anyway, I do want you to know that as for myself, this "religious" fellow, if that's what you prefer to call me, is not one bit offended.  The reason church people get offended at questions is because the majority of them have no answers and no desire to get answers.  I personally don't care.  I know what happened in my heart and life.  I also know that there have been times when I was stupid enough to try to roll on my own, so I've learned what I would be like without Him.  In a word, "MESSY!!"  As to the nitwit woman who picketed a soldier's funeral, if she's no more considerate of the feelings of the family or has no more patriotism than that, I would advise you just let the wind ease out of your sails a little.  She is hardly enough of a person, let alone representative of Christ, to pay any real attention to.

Anyway, that's how I see it. (HESIII)

posted by howie3 on February 28, 2009 at 10:34 PM | link to this | reply

I came and read!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on February 27, 2009 at 9:11 PM | link to this | reply

Unfortunately you can find rabid religious fundamentalists in most societies and religions. Thank you for a good article.

posted by elinjo on February 27, 2009 at 10:05 AM | link to this | reply

I'm wondering if this woman was from the same group that was outside the Academy Awards picketing.......I did a post on it.....

posted by ZenMom on February 27, 2009 at 9:51 AM | link to this | reply