Comments on I want to leave the sadness of the fires, for a post, to be personal

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Yes Mals I know and I have Nir on cod liver oil.

Very expensive but it is worth it. His allergies cleared up and he no longer has this awful nasal discharge that he has had almost from 8 months old or the time he went onto solids instead of mainly breast milk and some supplementary foods like goat milk and sheep's yohgurt.

the fish oil I have also done but now stick to fish oil in the form of cod liver oil which is great.

posted by Norwood on February 9, 2009 at 1:31 PM | link to this | reply

Good luck tomorrow

On a slightly different note, my wife never really performed well in school until she got to the sixth form. The teachers collectively (and most, individually) questioned her intelligence and application. In fact the opposite was the case. she simply couldn't relate to the 'why?' of many of the tasks put before her. Soon after we met, I encouraged her to take some intelligence tests to try and deal with these scars - she got into MENSA.

Good luck tomorrow and, you're right, they're often really lazy.

posted by malcolm on February 9, 2009 at 5:59 AM | link to this | reply

Way back when, a couple of "mental health professionals" told me I needed to get my kids on Ritalin.  I refused, because I saw creative, outside-the-box thinking kids who had energy to spare.  I was almost at the point of homeschooling them, but tried both dietary and chiropractic methods to focus them a bit.  It worked. Now, they are successful, engaging and still creative kids.  I said "no" to drugs!  You might want to try Omega-3; Fish Oil pills, too. Besides clearing up Ben's acne, it evened out his moods (not that they were so erratic, but he's so calm now).

posted by gapcohen on February 9, 2009 at 5:42 AM | link to this | reply