Comments on Was Rush Wrong to Interrupt Obama’s Speech with His Own Comments?

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Wrong In Only One Way
Rush was wrong for his actions but only in one way. Since I am a conservative Republican and a 21 year listener to Rush Limbaugh, I would have to say that his only mistake in this was the fact that he stooped as low as a democrat/liberal. That is what I am angered about, not the content. It is true, so true, how the liberals treated Bush. If it had been my radio show, I would have given Hussein Obama his day, broadcasted the entire thing then roasted him over an open fire the next day. That would have shown class, completely unlike a dmeocrat/liberal. As for the teacher, what a twit! "Most momentous day in the children's lives"? Every damn inauguration should be that way NOT just this one! 

posted by RedStatesMan on January 21, 2009 at 7:55 PM | link to this | reply