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God calls everyone in their life

Man cannot fathom the greatest lengths for redemption To onlookers the conversion

to a Christian state seems like an overnight change,  Hence the words born again christian.

The Spiritual process ( baptisim of the Holy Spirit) takes time, Those people that have a tendency to Beleive in God,  will be moved towards understanding the Devine word, showing the receiver the correct path through enlightenment and consciounce, awareness of wrong doings (this is the working of the Holy Spirit).

We have a choice,  We are all being tested.

Those who receive the light and those who choose to deny.

Those who chose to deny will be missing out on a life far greater than the existing imagination can comprehend.

Look at DNA every hair folical the length of your fingers the colour of your eyes your hair everything in your whole body is calculated and coded into sequences that have as much information in a single strand of DNA as 500- 30 gigabite computers.  Mate this sort of information dosn't just come together in a sesspool of proteins and crawl out an animal.

Maybe searching for the video The case for intelligent design, might just open your eyes. This video won top sceintists the Nobel prize.  Yet it is banned from being taught in most Schools,  Some University's in America are teaching this subject. 

This is a hinderence to Satan's plan,

Satan was banned from Heaven for his rebellion.  He and other Angels were outraged when God created man.  For man was not in Heaven and under Gods law  Man was free to make his own rules,  Satan angered and fought that this was unfair.  He said to God that man will never follow God's rules  for we are free,  Satan's rebellion his uprising was why He and his army of angles were kicked from Heaven.  This is why Satan wants us not to beleive in God. This world is Satan's relm,  He and his deceptions have caused all the Chaos and disharmony.

Do you think That if everybody knew of God right now that there would be no killing.

Without the Knowledge and rules of the Lord man is yes, free to choose his own will,  And when you have thousand of evil entities putting evil words in your ears The world ends up just as it is now,  And it will only get worse.

That is why we have the choice to beleive,  For believers who battle it out here on earth

with the truth printed on there foreheads when be granted access to a beautiful, beautiful life when we die,  Which wil be foreverlasting,  We will all be judged on judgement day

And those people who deny God and have lived a bad life will burn the length of time according to the sins they have committed.

Those people who are good and have a good heart but deny God fbecause of the blindness of the truth can also be forgiven in the day of judgement But only the Ultimate judge of all can read our Hearts as an open book.  Everything we do is inprinted in our soul.

Thats why we have a saviour,  In the beginning Man was told to saccrifice lambs for the taking away of there sins,  That is was Jesus came and died to be the great Saccrificial lamb where If we believe and place our sins with him He will forgive us for our wrong doings.

We do not need to go to Church to be forgiven,  The Church can also be a place of great Deception (long story). A belief in God and prayer Not in public but in your home, bedroom etc

in secret is what is needed. Between you and thee Allmighty.

I tell you what, right now we all die (correct)

If I am wrong, so what I die just the same as you.

If I am right,  I will be rewarded, Like we really can't begin to imagine,   







posted by mindopensup on November 28, 2008 at 12:11 AM | link to this | reply

Nice poem, but a little too preachy for me. While I like the thought, I would have preferred the road of self-dicovery, and a poem helping me to to resolve my own mysteries, thru an act of participation in self knowledge. I guess this might be a theological point: Do we find Divinity because it's announced to us, or do we jouney for an inner enlightenment? I'll leave this thought with you now, but I am open for discussion.

posted by jfm32 on November 27, 2008 at 12:04 PM | link to this | reply