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maybe not that well-written, but very well said! In fact from the accounts of the North V's themselves, the TET Offensive was so catastrophic to them, they were really surprised how we defeated ourselves from home.

Add to this that our withdrawal,and handing the fight over to the NVRA
(the South)would have probably proved successful,the Democrates (the Libs) in Congress cut off all military aid, and just handed our friends and allies over to the North. Ever hear of "cut and run?"

I think you hit on the head when you noted that they (the libs) seem to self-invent their own morality--choosing and picking without any concrete compass concurring with outward realities, and seems to verge on the pathological. Eg: womens rights..."if you don't agree with us, you're wrong, and who cares if a woman is stoned to death in Arabia", and the list goes on: "so what if you behead a journalist or a private contractor, we have more grevious things within ourselves."

To make all comparisons equal to eachother is to have no comparison, and if everything is equal, how can there be moral outrage even with a child molestor?..and I could go on--the environmental movement for example (by virtue of our being here is to contaminate the pristine).

I think your implied point is well taken: Once we accept the premise of self-contained morality and the agendae they extend, we could, by default, become just as confused as the premise and loose our contact with common sense.

Great write. Let's have more.


posted by jfm32 on October 3, 2008 at 5:09 PM | link to this | reply