Comments on Who's to Blame For This Current Financial Mess????? Part TWO...

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Again your research plays to the confusion! "Home Ownership" was a buzzword in this buffoons administration. You are right this will be the "Dark Ages" of American history. Nobody will have any memory of this idiot's passing through!

posted by Glennb on September 22, 2008 at 7:51 PM | link to this | reply

why on earth would anyone give someone a mortgage they couldn't afford in the first place? and why would this person who couldn't afford this mortgage accept it? my thoughts tend to flow a wee bit democratic - but i agree with you on this one.

posted by ladychardonnay on September 21, 2008 at 8:21 PM | link to this | reply

Congrats on a job well done! While this information may be part of the 'public record', it certainly isn't part of the public's knowledge, in large part because of the mainstream media's bias and silence. I certainly wasn't aware of the degree of the Dems' responsiblity for this mess. Of course, as a mere Canadian, I hope I will be  excused, lol...

posted by Nautikos on September 21, 2008 at 4:20 PM | link to this | reply

Corbin, why is this CR*P not coming out in mainstream news besides Fox?

Stuff like this really makes me angry.  Nobama is pulling ahead in the pulls because idiot Americans think that he's all about change, and because they assume that Republicans are to blame for the current economic debacle.  Fanny and Freddy owned 50% of the mortgages in this country and it's the mortgage meltdown that has contributed to the mess we're in now.  F&F were huge Demo sponsors as your video so clearly mentioned and vice versa Demos supporting F&F -- and yet Republicans are taking the heat for all this.  Just floors me the hypocrisy, ethical irregularities (to put it mildly) and lies that are being swept under the rug. 

I wonder if our Blogit Demos will have the guts to comment on this????

posted by JanesOpinion on September 21, 2008 at 3:53 PM | link to this | reply