Comments on What’s Worse: Owning Multiple Properties, or Criticizing Those who Do?

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Re: Re: Points
It isn't McCain's wealth, but his lack of understanding of those without it that makes him out of touch.  No ordinary person has to ask how many houses he owns or believes someone who makes only $4 million a year isn't rich.  And we know both Obama and his wife came from poor backgrounds.  His making lots of money now hasn't changed him that much.

As for Obama's unfortunate comments about clinging to guns and religion, and antipathy for outsiders, he shouldn't have said it, but it was accurate.  Anti-immigration feeling rises when the economy turns down.  Anti-trade sentiment rises when local people are out of work, regardless of the local cause.  That could cost him a lot of support among rural voters.  But the frustrations he talked about are real, and are caused by the seeming apathy of government for the plight of the working class while they bail out Bear Stearns and Indy Mac.  But don't worry, Obama will find the right approach to spread his populist message, whether or not he plans to deliver on his promises.

posted by mousehop on August 24, 2008 at 6:47 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Points

Okay, I have a question.

You wrote, "Now, I don't think that's terribly important, but the point the Obama team is trying to make (also not important in judging what kind of president McCain would make, but rather important in decisions made by the electorate) is that McCain doesn't relate to normal people and their problems."

Here's my question:

How can the case be made that Senator Barack Hussein Obama does "relate to normal people and their problems" when he was paid $4,200,000 last year (see

Moreover, how can this case be made when Senator Obama said of exceedingly "normal" people, “It's not surprising, then, that they (middle-class white voters) get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations” (


posted by WriterofLight on August 24, 2008 at 5:51 PM | link to this | reply

What McCain said was that he would have to look it up, essentially, when asked how many homes he owned, and I understand the question, it included him and his wife, so it isn't accurate to answer zero.  After all, the pronoun, you, is both singular and plural.  And McCain's answer does suggest that he didn't know for sure how many homes he and his wife have.

Now, I don't think that's terribly important, but the point the Obama team is trying to make (also not important in judging what kind of president McCain would make, but rather important in decisions made by the electorate) is that McCain doesn't relate to normal people and their problems.  Combine not knowing how many homes he (and his wife) have with stating that to be rich, you have to make $5 million a year makes him seem a little out of touch with reality.  After all, no one I hang around with has any problem keeping track of how much real estate she owns. (We can all count to one.  Or zero.)  I agree with the implied criticism of the Obama campaign, though.  This is trivial.  I don't want an average guy as president.  I want a someone with some education and intellectual ability, plus social and diplomatic skills (so I won't run), and a record of success in projects I can support or admire.

But if McCain can mock Obama as an elitist and celebrity, Obama can mock McCain as an out-of-touch rich guy who cheated on his wife to marry into money.  So maybe I'll join my son, the economist, and vote for Al Gore.

posted by mousehop on August 23, 2008 at 10:30 AM | link to this | reply

So what...
It is important to know that he owns multiple properties...regardless if he knows how many or not is simply irrelevant. Obama lives in a 1.6 million dollar home in Illinois. So neither are in any financial problems. We only have two choices here. One choice knows what it is to struggle. He can at least sympathize with not having money, living pay check to pay check, growing up in a single family home, being interracial not knowing where he belongs. These are all typical situations most Americans experience. John McCain has been through war. He has been a prisoner of war. He can also relate to many coming home from Iraq. But it is important to remember that he voted for this war. Is completely on board with it and the war also going on for many years to come. Mater of fact war does make certain people rich.

posted by the_beat on August 22, 2008 at 5:32 AM | link to this | reply

Re: So what...
Welcome, the beat!  I take it you've also seen the (hopefully doctored) photo of Barack Hussein Obama talking into the earphone of a telephone headset that was going around on the e-mail this year?

posted by WriterofLight on August 21, 2008 at 9:50 PM | link to this | reply

So what...
Regardless...the man is RICH. And stupid. I think possibly more stupid than a worm.  Maybe even more stupid who knows but I would bank my life on the fact he wouldn't get into the 5th grade if he was tested. I watched a clip where he was trying to make a speech into the bottom of a microphone. I am sorry. But I would rather vote for my dog than vote for that insensitive, unethical, no moral having, albino rat faced jerk.

posted by the_beat on August 21, 2008 at 9:36 PM | link to this | reply