Comments on Does capitalisim turn people into pigs?/Death of the American female

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american women/capitalisim

 Hello, As far as I'm concerned your reply proves the point of my writing. The modern human race is obsessed with status and many are worried they're not keeping up and so they're living their lives with this shadow over their heads. Yes many people are poor today but they sure don't look it thanks to credit. The US wouldn't be as fat or have as many TV's or cars if they were as poor as yesterday. Look at some pictures of people in the 1890's-1930's Look at all those painfully thin, dirty, holey clothed/shoed people. You don't see this today. No one is starving and impoverished like that today in such massive numbers.

As for the American female..she is torn between her biology and survival as my writing pointed out and you also. Sooner or later most women would like to use their womb but todays world is so complex and women and men don't really have their original identities. They also don't respect the old fashioned rules..."til death do us part". People back then were committed and stuck it out for better or worse. Man is captain, women is engineer. Man is head, women is back-bone. Today there is simply too much ego on all sides and so again the identities and roles are destroyed. And as my writing pointed out it's todays economy that helped create this whole situation.

The truth is men and women don't need each other the way they used to. They're not having those big families anymore and no one (as you pointed out) can deal with the stress of unhappy/difficult relationships. Men and women were a lot tougher back then.

Also I noted that I've traveled a lot and though women from many parts of the world are as integrated into schools and the economy they're still nowhere near as angry as they are here.

I do believe the American media/TV/magazines have destroyed the self-esteem of the American female. Everytime I'm on the beach young women are reading nothing but People/US and all those horrible, sickening, vain, shallow magazines. They're being brain-washed and don't even realize it. The media is taking advantage of the females insecurity and self-consciousness. The media has turned them into monsters and it's so sad.

Though I have seen this in other parts of the world it is not nearly as bad as here. The media monster simply doesn't have the same power as they do here.   


posted by mordent on August 11, 2008 at 10:12 AM | link to this | reply

death of the American Female

i think american females are angry because they feel like they're placed in between a rock and a hard place. It's not viewed as normal any more for a woman to just want to be married have children and stay at home. The economy also has made it where women have to find a way to make money so their husbands stay happy so there is help with the bills. So we are in a catch 22 we get called crazy for wanting to stay home and have children etc and we are called lazy no good by men and women both if we choose to stay home we cant eat if we stay home we cant have fun on the weekend or go out somewhere if we stay home because of money situations we are told we need good credit and a good paying job in order for a man to find us interesting and worth having and yet its tuff to find the good jobs that pays well and have benefits in order to take care of ourselves in order to find that right one   we are never satisfied because well we never know what is good enough have we turned into men well if thats so i think its due to well men wanting it that way most women i know dont make an income that is more than their man and if i made more than my man oh well id make sure we were both happy by not complaining making sure bills were paid and both of us having joint money so he didnt feel left out when wanting to get a sandwich at mcdonalds for lunch while at work.


i feel a lady will behave and act like a lady if a man treats her as such is a gentleman shows respect etc  if you treat her and handle her as though she's a man then she will get tough and be that way

posted by essentiallyrics on August 10, 2008 at 2:32 PM | link to this | reply

i disagree

i disagree with your point of view first i didnt read it all to the point where i got the death of the american female part but it kind of made me upset the first part i read because i feel as though individuals today are just as "poor" as they were not so long ago and yes you can still tell who they are and well even if you cant i dont see the problem in that.  why does someone have to see or know what type of income an individual is making? you should like a person for who they are not what income bracket they fall in.  Having credit cards payday loans and things of this nature can do more damage then yesteryears nothing at all because individuals go in big debt, literally not able to find a way out, and cause them health problems due to stress from debt collectors calling them when they knew they didnt have the means in the first place.

I'm going to continue reading your blog so i can finish my comment/opinion of the death of the american female

posted by essentiallyrics on August 10, 2008 at 2:05 PM | link to this | reply

actually i like you
we need more people like you

so don't mind if i argue with you on my posts

posted by Xeno-x on August 8, 2008 at 4:39 PM | link to this | reply