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You may be the first believer here to claim I am doing God's work and not Satan's.
I thank you, since I am sure you mean it as a compliment. And if I do not agree with you about the end results being related to God, it still is a very positive outcome that you seem me working towards.
I do agree with you fully that things will be better once humanity is able to move beyond the BS that allows these people to use religious ideas to gain power and control over others.

posted by kooka_lives on July 12, 2008 at 6:22 PM | link to this | reply

Fortunately Jesus came along to save the descendants of Israel from such rules. Many of those who made a living out of the knowledge of these rules, and others who held positions of power, by the same knowledge and had firm control over those who were guilt ridden because of the ease of transgression of these rules, didn't like Him very much.  You should find it easy to understand why they had Him killed.  This also makes it easy to understand why the Cathars/Albigensians and Huguenots and many others who tried hard to follow the true teachings of Christ were hunted down and killed "en masse" with great passion by the then ruling bigots.  You should also find it easy to understand why many people who are doing what the Pharisees and Sadducees in His days were doing today would equally like to kill those of us who preach Love and Truth over dogma.  Since God is Reality as such in which we find both good and evil and any other humanly dualistically derived sets of values, we know that there are those who will do anything to preserve their assumed superiority and that there are those, like yourself, who will continue gnawing away at their positions of power by undermining their theology and lopsided righteousness.  Once these persecutors of Freedom and Love have al been exposed for what they are and enough people have been freed from their oppressive stranglehold over them, the Kingdom of God, which Jesus came to give the message of hope of, will come off age.  You're helping this happen.

posted by AardigeAfrikaner on July 12, 2008 at 1:11 AM | link to this | reply

so that's me and you and your kids and your sister and her kids

so that's 3? - 2? generations -- got a lot to go

but of course that's talking about the Assembly as it existed then.  No longer exists.

so maybe we're good.  ain't no assembly to be kicked out of.

posted by Xeno-x on July 9, 2008 at 10:38 AM | link to this | reply