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Re: benzinha, I don't think you quit get me

NO, I do 'get you' but was just having fun mentioning the difference between most non-believers who choose silence just because they don't have any desire to discuss or argue or even think about their non-belief

and YOU who do all of that and more with your non-belief....

Like my atheist gardener who needs his atheist group to reinforce himself or to have more friends maybe, dunno.....

Like goes to like usually, but me, I stay home and work and think about gardening and dogs and grandchildren and family and war and other stupid things like that.

I've actually been reading you for quite awhile, I have only just begun to comment, however.....

And since Friar_Tuck has disappeared, I read you for my Christian fix, tho' it's the other side of his coin....sigh.

posted by benzinha on July 10, 2008 at 9:06 PM | link to this | reply

benzinha, I don't think you quit get me
There is no 'struggle's going on with me and I am fighting nothing.  I just think and I think a lot and I look at the big picture.  All I am doing here is talking about what I see.  I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.
One thing I keep trying to explain to others here, I am not doing this blog to attack anyone or try to convert people to my way of thinking.  I am trying to figure the universe and one big part of that is to figure out religious ideas, since they seem to be everywhere and are a big part of all human societies through out history.  If you can really get to the heart of why people believe as they do, then you are going to understand humanity as a whole that much better.
The most joy I have ever gotten out of my posts is when I get a believer who is actually willing to openly exchange a healthy dialogue where we state our views and our reasonings in a polite, respectful manner.  It has happened, but it is very rare.  Most of the time I either get people who believe as I do telling me they like what I have to say or I get believers who refuse to be willing to open their minds and think about other possibilities or to see the flaws in their own beliefs.
And no one should ever feel they need to be silent about what they believe.  So I take it as a great compliment that you see me as being 'involved' and out there about my beliefs and views.

posted by kooka_lives on July 8, 2008 at 2:41 PM | link to this | reply

Kooka, you just have too much fun with all this. I read and read and read

you and you are so involved in your non-belief, whereas others, just quietly fail to believe.

Like an eternal inner dialogue going on and you must keep it up or you might fall back into belief again. While others, just let it all go and don't even mull the whole thing over, they just quietly dis-believe.

posted by benzinha on July 7, 2008 at 9:44 PM | link to this | reply

"He is as wrong as he can be with this one, since the 'moral decline' was happening long before Darwin came along."  The truest statement in text today.

posted by FineYoungSinger on July 7, 2008 at 1:28 PM | link to this | reply