Comments on Love, Hate:

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Re: You can just call me Clay!
married for over 23 years, actually 24 but I can not count the last year, for this is when she truly left me for another! She had been having an affair for two years and I found out two weeks after I had been removed from my home, my world through lies and abuse! Thank you!

posted by kingclay on June 23, 2008 at 8:25 AM | link to this | reply

Clayton, may I call you that?  I really don't know you but your poem is amazing.  It is drenched in pain and my heart goes out to you.  Please take care of you and pray, pray that you find the peace that only comes with forgivness.  She is not worth your unrest.  I don't know her either but anyone that can huyrt another human being like that is not worth another thought.  Be well...

posted by Sinome on June 22, 2008 at 9:42 PM | link to this | reply


posted by tyleness on June 22, 2008 at 9:28 PM | link to this | reply

I pray for you

posted by Star5_ on June 22, 2008 at 8:41 PM | link to this | reply

hey there kingclay,
thanks for visiting my blog and i have to say that this poem is so much like my life now its unreal, im dealing with this and this is great for it shows how you know you need God and we all do.. God bless you and may you find peace....mike

posted by meeks2 on June 22, 2008 at 7:12 PM | link to this | reply