Comments on DEEP pimple you just can not get to- Family Law In America

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manic is the state of the union

Thank you for your opinion.

Manic is a word used often to describe works of writers who write at times of political distress- I try to reflect the times around me.  I allow myself to go where this journey may lead, I feel it is a duty, a calling, and a obligation to my craft. In case you have not noticed the times we live in are a bit manic- there are children on YOU TUBE who are making videos saying they want to kill our President, and that "they can't find me" (and they can't).  We live in crazy times, this is the most exciting political race I have ever seen in American history- the diversity alone makes us all "manic" to some degree-

I often get lost in my work, it brings me great pleasure, I am able to write 365 days a year 8-15 hours a day, there is rarely a day I am able to write less than 8 hours a day or wish to.

I so enjoy myself, and get lost in my works that I am able to write and write and write, is this manic?  I don't know, if a person loves what they do and they are selling real estate for 8-15 hours a day do we call them manic when we see towers in the skyline named after them?  No we call them a person who has achieved success!   We may even call them DONALD TRUMP!  So when you use this word manic to describe the work of a author please note two things.  One that the term manic is a term used in the mental health field, and it is often not a term of endearment, but rather to profile a disorder.  Two, it is not the case that a prolific writer is "manic" just on the basis that you experience a multitude of emotions when you read the works, it is more likely that the author is able to write about the situations in his/her environment that trigger in you your sensitivity to that which you are  then projecting on the author.

If you are feeling "agitation" while you read, this is good, many of the works are about social injustice, child abuse, and hatred.  You should "feel" the way you report, if you are human.  Why do I write about those situations one might ask, why do I give them a life, or let them breath at all?

Simple- every emotion builds on the next. With our work as writers we must explore every human emotion, be familiar with them all, come to terms with every monster under our beds- I do not fear my monsters-


You will be the Judge, but my observations tell me that the works my readers like the most are filled with deep hatred, as a author I feed my audience the food they crave from me- they have trained me to give to them what they long for, and so I entertain them, yet teach them by default.  When they least expect it I teach them something about social bias, or my field of study- this is my "style", if you should be confused on this issue.

Is that manic?

I believe in meeting my readers where they are and learning who they are, and what they yearn for, I could try to give them a stable well rounded human being- but they would never pay attention- in fact it would BORE them to tears.

Is that manic?

I thank you once again for your review of my work, I shall take it under consideration just as soon as I find a moment to stop my thoughts long enough to consider what it was you were talking about-if only I could find my pencil, what day is it again? Could someone get me another cup of coffee? Hey you can you please check this for spelling?  Thanks- no- never mind !

now- that was manic!

Best regards,

Tammie Anderson Coffey

Author, researcher, poet

posted by Harvardgirl_global on May 9, 2008 at 6:30 PM | link to this | reply

i'd like to read what you write, really.......but, it confuses me........not just the content....but, the STYLE you have chosen to write in. It seems so manic. I get agitated just reading it. I'm not even going to attempt to advise you here...sounds like you've been through the wringer.....i wish i could say something to help.

posted by ZenMom on May 9, 2008 at 5:15 PM | link to this | reply

more like VOMIT!

LEANS over the toilet, holding tummy begins to VOMIT --ugggg uggggg ugggg, nothing-- sticks finger in to induce the vomit , ahhh there it comes IT WAS SALSA eeeeks yec very SOUR the second time!

now it really starts to fly- it is the FLYING VOMIT now!  IT IT FLYING out of her like a fountain SHISH taking shape the vomit has wings as it lands into the bowl, then swirls down forever......

  TAM:Remind me NEVER to eat salsa the day BEFORE I prosecute!  THAT stuff sucks the second time! Are you suppose to toss your cookies at the top of every hill, she asks the captian- he leans near and says...


CAPTIAN:  "you did well dear- next time you will do better."

"This was personal, that is why it hurt so much, you will never forget this case, it was a life lesson, and you will take this lesson into every case for the rest of your life.  No family will ever doubt the passion and zeal you will go after anyone who comes after a child with- rest assured, your on your way to the top!"

TAM:"Why does it feel like I am dead inside?"

CAPTIAN:"Well, a case like this take the life in you, out- then you turn into a eagle- and in a way you will never be the same- once a eagle you are never the same again- a eagle is always an eagle- that is why you feel that way."©

posted by Harvardgirl_global on May 9, 2008 at 4:07 PM | link to this | reply

i'd call that a mega-purge. i hope it helps. namaste

posted by ZenMom on May 9, 2008 at 2:45 PM | link to this | reply