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Re: You are point on, davideskin, in your analysis of the "gas tax holiday"

I wanted to put in my two sense on this. Obviously I disagree with RedStatesMan on a lot he said, and I agreehe may not come across as tolorant, but last time I check you are allowed to saya nd feel anything you want.

But I also disagree with you Saul that Condi Rice would not be a good President. Just becuase she is concervative does not mean she would not be good as President. Ronald Reagan was conservative, and no matter what you may think he did right or wrong, he turned out to be good an being President.

I believe all three of our current canidates have what it takes to be good at running the country, good at being President. The question is, what direction do you want this country to go. I think everyone knows how I feel, but I think we call all agree (hopefully) that all three of the canidates can do better than the current one.

posted by davideskin on May 5, 2008 at 9:53 AM | link to this | reply

For those of us who have peacefully voiced our objections, exhibited good citizenship and defended this great nation while at the hands of a Fascist. The question is are you able to reciprocate as we endeavor to restore America to greatness? We know Bush has to go (his terms are up), and the next president and America have major problems! Or have you noticed?

posted by Glennb on May 4, 2008 at 9:37 AM | link to this | reply

Re: You are point on, davideskin, in your analysis of the "gas tax holiday"
I am still waiting for the list of accomplishments of Barrack Hussein Obama. I have asked around 100 or more supporters of his and no one can tell me. Can you? I still have some prime beach front property in Nebraska to sell any Obama supporter.  

posted by RedStatesMan on May 3, 2008 at 7:54 PM | link to this | reply

You are point on, davideskin, in your analysis of the "gas tax holiday"
being promoted by both Hillary and McCain.  Fiscally irresponsible b.s. pandering to the moronic misinformed.  Speaking of which, do you get the feeling that RedStatesMan isn't the most tolerant person in the blogosphere?  Probably has a crush on Ann Coulter as well.  Condi Rice couldn't even pass a note to the president about people wanting to blow up a few things in the U.S. when she was National Security Advisor; why should anyone trust her to run the country? 

posted by saul_relative on May 2, 2008 at 11:14 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Davideskin,
Oh wait. You are speaking of a liberal "black" president. That is not worth excrement! Get the picture now? It has nothing to do with race, it has to do about values and principles.

posted by RedStatesMan on May 2, 2008 at 8:25 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Davideskin,
I AGREE! I think a true "black" president is needed like Dr. Condi Rice or J.C. Watts or the one I am voting for in the primaries, Alan Keyes. Anything from the left is an idiot. That has been proven since Truman. Obama is completely worthless! The problem is found in your last four words, "I cannot see how". None of you idiot liberals can see anything, never have, never will!

posted by RedStatesMan on May 2, 2008 at 8:24 PM | link to this | reply

I think reasoned people can deduce that a "Black" President is at this point in American history the best alternative! We could be wrong, but I cannot see how!

posted by Glennb on May 2, 2008 at 11:13 AM | link to this | reply