Comments on The news reported that Americans are filling the ICE caused job openings,

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Can't speak for others, but I say BOTH.
Mexico has never truly been democratic and free market and does not have the culture or the infrastructure to ever be that way on a big scale. We pump money in and it gets sponged up by the big families and players. We go into the slums and shanty towns and the dwellers come to see us as being ignorant interlopers. We go there and live among them and try to help, and we raise the attention of the big boys because the path to equity runs straight through their swimming pools of gold. So instead we are to absorb the people their oligarchic system relegates to poverty and starvation...and then they ship money back into that system. What dream will come along now that Marxism is exposed...New Marxism? Radical Islam or Revolutionary Catholicism? Or just bigger and bigger narco kings and their serfs and soldiers?

posted by majroj on January 10, 2008 at 9:12 PM | link to this | reply

majroj, and if we tip that economic cow over, will we take any
responsibility or just say that it was in the cards anyway???

posted by benzinha on January 10, 2008 at 12:29 PM | link to this | reply

Mexico poses a question...if a country's wealth becomes imbalanced beyond a certain point, does it become impossible to get back towards democracy and free market?

posted by majroj on January 8, 2008 at 10:16 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Insomniac tidbits for majroj

With the border closing down, bandidos are raiding, robbing and raping all possible visitors into Baja California and tourism is down by 80% in some areas. I think that this time we might really kill Mexico, or cause them to have a revolution, thus giving us the 'right ' to invade and control and annex, a great Mexican conspiracy theory and HEY, I can see the possibilities.

With real estate dead, with the income from illegals cut off, as they are saving their $$ and no longer shopping, nor sending it home to Mexico, the tourism industry is the last hope to make any money down there. So, I see death in Mexico's future.

Pobrecitos. Illegal Canadians are not even searched for, rounded up nor busted working here.....but, we'll figure out how to annex them, too.

!Viva America!

posted by benzinha on January 7, 2008 at 10:49 PM | link to this | reply

Insomniac tidbits

1. Nixon's treaurer Ramona Acosta Banuelos's mexican food company was repeatedly raided by INS.

2. Many undoc workers are paid on the books, then never collect their social security bennies. More money for the fund. Employers swear they thought the workers' ID's were real.

3. Last blog, corporate responsibility: check the increase in the gap between CEO's and their liane workers. And a friend reports that his manager, depending entirely upon his subordinates' sales of investment funds to bank customers, was recruited by, then given a 1/4 million dollar signing bonus and a new Mercedes, to work for another bank. Now you know where the interest is going.

posted by majroj on December 6, 2007 at 4:10 AM | link to this | reply