Comments on President Bush Vetoes SCHIP Expansion

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It is NOT just the Democrats who support this bill. Senators Hatch of Utah, one of the President's most unwavering supporters has spoken harshly against the veto. Quite a number of other republican senators support the legislation. It is now probable that the veto will be overridden.

The term illegal alien is now substituted for every ill that besets this country. That is patently unfair. In New York, where I live, they make a great contribution to the economy. They are very hard and efficient workers. They reduce the cost I pay for a cup of coffee each morning. I cannot understand why their children should not be entitled to good health care. What would the alternative  be if they could not see a doctor?

posted by EX_TURPI on October 5, 2007 at 4:30 PM | link to this | reply

posted by Amanda__ on October 5, 2007 at 8:49 AM | link to this | reply

The problem with these bills, Wavy, is that there is always some sort of
pork or rider legislation attached that benefits just a token few.  Sometimes this stuff will mandate that the legislation be vetoed.  But since Bush doesn't see anything wrong with the illegal immigration problem, I doubt that anything concerning illegal immigrants made him veto it.  With the rise in health costs and the increase in inflation, the SCHIP being hiked to $83,000 may be fair, I do not know.  I don't know how they got that number.  Why wasn't it $75 K, or $60 K.  (Hell, what is it right now, $45 K?  I'm not sure.)  Anyway, that rich bastard has got national healthcare and makes $400 K a year, so he doesn't have to worry about coverage.  They yell about paying for it but nobody seems to have a problem appropriating billions upon billions for a war nobody wants to be involved in (except for Bush, his cronies, and some hawks).  They'll override this veto; the people are behind the legislation.  The only thing that will possibly stop it is if the people find out there's something in it that gives to illegal immigrants or contributes to some sort of amnesty (which the Dems have been surreptitiously sneaking into bills).  This makes Bush look hypocritical and stupid -- he didn't veto one spending bill with a Republican-led Congress... 

posted by saul_relative on October 3, 2007 at 11:22 PM | link to this | reply