Comments on Character

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posted by ILLUMINATI8 on September 14, 2007 at 2:11 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Re: Lady Cee M....
SB -

I do not question the presence of evil, for it is here, no doubt.  I just question the whole story of the Devil, horns, cloven feet, pitchfork, etc.   I have no doubt that we each have own version of an evil monster or two and if we believe hard enough, we can give form to our visions. I just as soon leave my monsters to my sporadic nightmares. 

As far as a kid having to do chores, after raising two kids who would much prefer to be lazy, and enduring their retorts of "I hate you" and "isn't fair" etc etc with a smirky look on my face, I was casting that in as a humorous aside.  Only after they are grown do they realize the value of learning how to wash their own clothes, setting the table, and other kid - tormenting chores I foisted upon them. I would count the chores as character building, even if I was "hated" for it at the time. It's just a part of being the grown-up.

As for my perception of life, it has been 54 years in the making and has been reborn, transfigured, you name it, as my character has had to endure some hard knocks, some earth shattering, to grow to where I am comfortable with my place in the universe.  I can die tomorrow (or sooner) without fear or doubt of where I'll end up.

We each reach our place of understanding through our own personal experiences. It is what God told Neale Donald Walsch why we are here; He experiences what we experience. It is why we are here; to experience.  I have felt the wonder of God at the heights of ecstacy and found God's comfort at my lowest of lows. Always I've felt Love, even when my choices in life have brought me pain.

Thanks for your response!


posted by LadyCeeMarie on September 3, 2007 at 3:11 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Lady Cee M....
I respect what you say. I must add though that I write from personal experience and not because I believe spirituality to be a literary pursuit. Your perception of life  or philosophy is different. Perhaps, those who seek power over others are the devil of which I speak. "A kid doing their chores".... I fail to see how you could arrive at that conclusion, considering that I fight back against their incursions. As for the existence of evil, that was detected by Hindu sages even before the west was invented. The Vedas and the Puranas are some of the oldest commentaries on religion. Believe what you have a will is your right!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on September 3, 2007 at 1:15 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Lady Cee M....
I waited a while to respond to this.  "The Devil" was a ploy, an invention, made up by the early Medieval men who sought power over the masses in the 3rd and 4th centuries.  Many of their ploys work perfectly well today.  But to bring evil into this quotation is a reach, IMO.  Suffering and hardships are part of the human experience and if everything is hunky dory, all the time, life would become stagnant.  Anything won easily is not as appreciated as that which was hard fought.  I'm sure Helen Keller would have preferred to have something other that her ever present quiet and isolation.  When she was able to overcome and conquer the isolation of her all too silent world did she grow as a person. What a lonely childhood she must have endured. I see nothing referring to evil or "the Devil" in perseverance and hard work, brother. (Unless you are a kid being made to do their chores! ;) )


posted by LadyCeeMarie on September 3, 2007 at 12:53 PM | link to this | reply

Lady Cee M....
Does that men that the Devil has a legitimate role on earth? He was cast down after rebelling against God. Helen Keller inspired me with her strenght  and persistence..... but I guess she didn't know of spiritual progress in peace and quiet!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on August 31, 2007 at 7:19 PM | link to this | reply