Comments on Sadness

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All we can do is "keep on keepin' on". Distract yourself from your
negative thoughts.  They can destroy whatever joy you have IF YOU LET THEM.  DON'T LET THEM.  Find something to do that you enjoy and pay attention to that activity.  Worry is self defeating.  Don't let yourself defeat your own happiness.  ENJOY the good things.  When you do that, others will enjoy being around you and further joy will ensue.  Worry, and the world will avoid you....

posted by WindTapper on July 21, 2007 at 9:59 PM | link to this | reply

posted by riri0322 on July 20, 2007 at 9:17 AM | link to this | reply

Love fear and pain....all are important parts of us that make us alive. To experience these things is far greater than you realise. Until we are troubled by these types of emotions, we don't have a full understanding of ourselves. Try not to worry about things that have not come to pass...for they may never come. Try to enjoy the fact that you have a reason to feel that pain and that fear and try to accept it as a part of you. Your one can tell you how to truely handle your own emotions, its one of those..."Somebody showed me and I found it myself." brave and fearless, but remember that fearlessness is not the lack of fear but the reduction of how the fear controls you.

posted by gavelkorbald on July 19, 2007 at 10:33 PM | link to this | reply