Comments on Maddness

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Harvard girl
I see you put a lot of thought in your comment and I don't see anything wrong with teaching our children to think. I do it myself when ever we watch tv or when I am scolding them. I agree that teaching them to think needs to be adressed I will keep that in mind the next time I go off. Thank you.

posted by spanish_dragon on July 17, 2007 at 3:14 PM | link to this | reply

The problem with your view, is that...

Regarding madness:

Firstly, hello.  Thank you for reading my work, I would like to remark on your outrage with the youth of today.

I was reading in the paper a story in Phoenix where a group of kids decided to "take down" their grandmother.  There were 4 children ages 7-13 who beat the grandparent to a pulp.

I thought, well... if this were my mother, it may have needed to happen, and yet I am aware that very few people are as abusive as my mother was, and even fewer deserve to be "taken down" in violence.  Violence, never gets anything more than violence in return.  I have known many violent people, more than I can count.

The bottom line is they can all seem to justify acts of violence in one way or another- and there is no excuse for it at all.

Your claim that the world needs new leadership is not argued, how we get there I must take up issue with.  I have never hit my child, and yet I have had a court order for "supervised" visitation for over eight years.  I am not a violent person, but I speak my mind, and in many towns here in the USA that is still offensive to many people.

I am considered a "danger" to my child because I wish to train her to think, and ponder and to ask a multitude of questions.  I am considered a outlaw for doing this very same thing in my own hometown- and why?

I will explain it to you as I have to many, there is a climate here in this country getting hotter and hotter, we are accepting hatred as if it is acceptable.  It is not acceptable, and the problem with teaching our children to be agreeable is that they must be equipped to argue and question all authority, the reasons are many-

The main and most critical is the pace of which information is available, and it is critical that our children are able to think about what they are exposed to, then question what it means.  This is a practical matter, that children can learn from school, or home- it is a method of thinking in fact.

How they learn it, should matter and it must matter to us all, and how we promote change in the lives of our children, should and must, matter to you- and I think it does- or you would not write on the topic.

In fairness, I think you have just overlooked a small detail, and otherwise your passion is remarkable on this topic.


Tammie Anderson


posted by Harvardgirl_global on July 16, 2007 at 9:24 PM | link to this | reply

agreed-I hate cries against children-but a swat on the but or the hand won't kill them

posted by spanish_dragon on July 16, 2007 at 5:18 PM | link to this | reply

A certain amount of discipline is necessary for children.
It not only keeps them in line, it teaches them there are consequences to their actions.  It is a lesson that isn't learned often enough in our society.  You can't let children run wild.  But neither should they be severely beaten.  It's not easy to be a good parent.  But it is necessary if we truly want a better world.  Soon they will be calling the shots.  Hopefully they'll do a better job of it than our present leaders.

posted by notapoet on July 15, 2007 at 9:49 PM | link to this | reply

wEll said !

posted by afzal50 on July 15, 2007 at 6:32 PM | link to this | reply


Thank you, I really am glad to hear someone agrees


posted by spanish_dragon on July 15, 2007 at 3:59 PM | link to this | reply

i agree with everything you have said

my two sons are grown, and i spanked them, there father made them work around the house for free, because they were a part of a family and you dont charge family, they did not get everything they ever wanted, whats left to dream for if you do that. and when they were old enough to work, they went to work.

i am proud to say they are two fine men, and raising there children the same, except for the spanking, but they have girls. and they are doing fine without spanking, but they do take away privileges.

i have heard alot of people agree to the things you have said , but i dont see them practicing what they preach.

excellent blog, we should never be afraid to say what we feel.

posted by jeansaw on July 15, 2007 at 2:36 PM | link to this | reply