Comments on God and Celebrities

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one day - many years ago - when i was filling in a form that asked my
occupation and i felt inclined to put in 'god' i knew then it was time to retire for a while. which i did. i never wanted to become the meglomaniac that my very famous mother was. she thought she knew everything because everyone else she spoke to thought that she did. yeh she did know a damn lot. so do i - but i can't stand braggers. you're a babe in the woods still. if you can stay humble you'll be on a good path. being humble is so important. we're all here to keep learning. it never stops. smart people know how little they know. they know there is always more. and some things i know i have met no-one else who can explain stuff - sure wish i did. being rich and famous has a lot to do with luck too - and neither of these things are a reward. to be fooled by either of them is folly. 

sheesh - stop raving jaahda girl !! time to hit the sack.

posted by Jaahda on July 10, 2007 at 9:57 AM | link to this | reply


posted by circuit on July 3, 2007 at 4:42 AM | link to this | reply