Comments on Response to two comments

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No plans at this time

Chris, thank you for your ongoing suggestions on this topic. At this time we have no plans to permit the return of anyone who's subscription has been terminated or to restrict such a person's activity to one category. We do not end any person's membership lightly as we explained here.

If any member who's subscription was terminated (usually because they ignored multiple warnings about violations of this community's Terms of Use) attempts to return under a different name their membership will be denied or again terminated if they are successful in subscribing.

posted by BlogitStaff on October 7, 2003 at 2:54 PM | link to this | reply

Hi BN staff

How about restricting members who have violated the TOS to the MA category?  Wait - it gets better.  Also, remove their ranking priviliges.

I think that a lot of trouble recently has stemmed from the rankings, and peoples' "lust" to be recognised and popular.  Removing their privilege to be a part of the rankings and confing them to the MA should work out for all.  If the offending blogger really wants to come back on BN that bad, then they will accept being in the MA with no ranking.  And if the offending blogger really does just want to cause trouble, they will more likely lose interest when they are kept fairly out of sight.

Well, just a thought.

posted by chris2303 on October 7, 2003 at 9:39 AM | link to this | reply

Response to ezwaystrait

To learn about the rules, please read the Terms of Use, particularly the "No Unlawful or Prohibited Use" section.

Since the vast majority of members never violate the Terms of Use, it is unlikely that you would do so inadvertently. For example, the most common violation is abuse of another member.

For the past few months, we have been working to create additional posting guidelines based on member suggestions. The Terms of Use themselves are not expected to change significantly, but we believe the guidelines will help clarify them further. We would appreciate any suggestions you have.

With regard to explanations, please keep in mind that in a typical scenario, we receive a report, investigate the report, and then issue a warning that includes an explanation. If you believe more of this information should be public, please let us know what you would like to see; we will certainly consider it, although member privacy is a concern.

posted by BlogitStaff on October 7, 2003 at 8:50 AM | link to this | reply

This place is getting a little too crazy. It's making me sorry I joined. Unreal.

No explanations, just whack! Boom! Ooops, we're sorry ... we can' tell you. And now, if I understand correctly, because of some idiot named Dropped on Head, the terms are being changed? Is this correct, because if so, he is laughing his butt off about it. He wrote me a letter that I'm sure you saw, because he sent it to a whole bunch of bloggers, and the contents indicated that this was his whole intention, so therefore, with a grand and mighty HAHAHAHAHAHA! he had won. It would seem so.

Gigi seemed very nice to me. If she did something wrong, I'd sure like to know what it was so I don't do it. Maybe she was too nice? Please, ignore my bitterness. I came here for a blissfully wonderful experience. BAH! Lately, and may I say since Dropped on Head's arrival, (more than once), that experience has gone straight into the toilet. Please don't bother with the canned reply. I'm too sad to know that I am that unimportant. I really loved this place, and now, it's just a zoo!

No disrespect intended. Hope I didn't break any rules. Mona ~ezwaystrait

posted by ezwaystrait on October 7, 2003 at 5:56 AM | link to this | reply


We would not suspend a member because of "confusion about the accusation". As stated earlier, we investigate reports carefully before taking action.

posted by BlogitStaff on October 7, 2003 at 12:21 AM | link to this | reply

I am so totally confuddled. . .

What did "GeGe" do?  All it was, was confusion about the accusation. . .why does DOH have this much power?

I'm going nuts, that's it, I'm just plain nuts. . .



posted by Gentle-Willow on October 6, 2003 at 11:50 PM | link to this | reply


To protect member privacy, we do not publish details of Terms of Use violation reports. However, since we prefer never to suspend a member, we typically issue suspensions only after multiple violations of the Terms of Use.

Since the content that violated the Terms of Use is removed, the reasoning behind our decisions may not be obvious. However, please be assured that we investigate all reports carefully, and only take action when we believe it to be appropriate.

posted by BlogitStaff on October 6, 2003 at 11:20 PM | link to this | reply

Hi BN Staff
Did I miss something here? Did I just see a new member booted off for a minor breach of the terms of use? I know you have the right to do so at any time and conceed I may have missed the reason for this action but my impression is that a new member got caught up in something that she knew little about. If this is in fact the case this can't be good for the network. 

posted by gomedome on October 6, 2003 at 11:10 PM | link to this | reply