Comments on The Illegal Immigration Boondogle Bill

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Lindsey Graham is a self-aggrandizing moron and should be voted out of

office as soon as the people of South Carolina can recall him.  The same goes for John Kyl of Arizona and Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts.  This 'reform' legislation is a pathetic, inept, and imbecilic attempt at posturing, doing absolutely nothing to rectify the immigration problem and everything to curry favor among illegals already in the country set to become potential voters.  This legislative peice of crap should simply be used as a manual on how not to produce reform legislation.

Here's an idea.  Take the 1986 legislation and amend it, strengthen it, and appropriate the funds to actualize it.  The main problem with this "comprehensive reform" is that it has too many conditionals, many of which are optional, many of which can have their funding reduced or eliminated as the president or Congress sees fit.  It's ridiculous.  It is insubstantial and a sham as it stands.  A bunch of supposedly learned men currying potential favor with potential voters (who won't be eligible -- by this assinine plan -- for at leat eight years) and worrying about the repercussions of the voters sympathetic to the cause of the immigrants (including several million hispanics who are citizens now).

And Bush?  A simple corporate patsy. 

I'm not saying that there isn't anything good in this legislation; just damned little.

posted by saul_relative on May 31, 2007 at 1:02 PM | link to this | reply