Comments on It pounced on May 9th.

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Netball is a sport?  I felt like a dork when I went into the facility to get a badminton racquet and shuttlecock.   I got a blank look until someone realized I meant 'birdie' - Canadian for shuttlecock.

posted by johnmacnab on May 29, 2007 at 3:52 PM | link to this | reply

Now there's a word I haven't heard for a few years (badminton)... I wonder if it's played in Australia? You would think so, in a country that likes its sport; everything else seems to be televised at some point, even Netball - gosh we're lucky, LOL 

posted by mneme on May 29, 2007 at 5:00 AM | link to this | reply

Strangely enough, TAPS, I did the same thing two nights ago.  I've never hear the 'railroad' description before.  It sounds interesting and from a different generation/country - if you don't mind me saying so, that is?

posted by johnmacnab on May 18, 2007 at 6:02 AM | link to this | reply

Lately I have been enjoying the toe freedom of going barefooted (inside) but tonight, I had to dig out my woolen railroad socks to warm up my feet.

posted by TAPS. on May 18, 2007 at 12:16 AM | link to this | reply

According to all the hype, Pat, we are the ones trying to fool nature.  Perhaps that's why it is so psychotic.  We are supposed to have rain all weekend and it won't be warm again until next Wednesday.  I'm used to the rain, but not to the north wind that accompanies it at this time of the year.  Roll on summer.  If you can spare a few degrees of heat, Pat, we would be grateful.

posted by johnmacnab on May 17, 2007 at 6:32 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you afzal.  Glad you liked it.

posted by johnmacnab on May 17, 2007 at 6:28 AM | link to this | reply

This year's transition from winter to spring to summer has been

whimsical at best and psychotic at times -- instant mood changes. Someone must have tried to fool Mother Nature. 

Doesn't compare to your Canadian slip 'n slide, but when I was out to the store on Wed. it was sunny and 82 degrees Fahrenheit when I got in my car and 45 minutes later I drove home under blackened stormy skies in a brief driving rain. The temp had dropped to 69.  I like rain, so I didn't mind the dash to the porch with my few groceries.

posted by Pat_B on May 17, 2007 at 5:25 AM | link to this | reply

Interesting read . Thanks for sharing .

posted by afzal50 on May 16, 2007 at 11:10 PM | link to this | reply