Comments on Court makes a right turn

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I just finished a post on this same subject, davideskin. It seems that our
court officials, authoritarian moralists appointed by authoritarian moralists, believe that their belief system trumps all others and everyone should live by the dictates of such.  Ethics be damned, we must save the immoral from themselves, they think.  The fact that these women are autonomous unto themselves never seems to enter into the equation when those in the right (on the right?) hold forth.  The only time these guys will ever worry about the ramifications of their acts is when they begin bitching about the progeny of some woman they denied an abortion to has stolen their precious BMW and is using it as his transfer vehicle for his latest shipment of drugs. 

posted by saul_relative on April 19, 2007 at 2:21 PM | link to this | reply

I think it is important for everyone to know that a woman who appreciated her own parents and who has not been abused by the father should never be tricked into an abortion.  This is a terrible crime against the innocent and families who would never consider causing such permanent damage.  Abortion at any point is an extreme measure with extreme consequenses.  Those who say otherwise are ignorant and or liars who deceive real victims and cause woes that can never be reversed.

posted by Jenasis on April 19, 2007 at 8:07 AM | link to this | reply