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Lindo, I am very moved by your reaction to my writing
and my life.

 This "memoir" of sorts really started here on Blogit nearly 4 years ago. It is posted chronologically, so to figure things out, it is easiest to keep scrolling back, start from the beginning and move forward. I have the first volume formatted so it could be ordered cheaply as a book through, but I haven't made it public yet...

posted by Cynthia on March 19, 2007 at 4:29 AM | link to this | reply

Beautiful stuff
 i have just started reading your journal beginning at the most recent entry, and although i'm still lost in the maze of names and events, there were little gems that resounded with me:feelings i wished i had experienced, emotions i've lost and can't even remember what they were like. thank you for being so honest and so alive.

posted by lindo on March 18, 2007 at 12:59 PM | link to this | reply