Comments on If I have to hear one more chocolate commercial....

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Pat B
Do you really want to be involved with a man you have to "guilt-trip" into giving you thoughtful and kind treatment at any time of the year (but you use Valetine's Day and maybe Christmas as your excuse to do so)? I figure such a man is a waste of my time. In turn, if I have to manipulate anyone into doing anything for me (rather than being able to make a straightforward request asking them to do the same thing), I am a waste of their time because I'm manipulative.

posted by kidnykid on February 13, 2007 at 1:01 PM | link to this | reply

On the other hand, if a guy is thoughtful and kind the other 364 days
of the year, she wouldn't need to guilt him into holiday special treatment. I think my favorite valentine - ever - was a walk in the park where he carved our names into the side of a dirt cliff -- they were still there several years later.

posted by Pat_B on February 13, 2007 at 7:16 AM | link to this | reply

Yes, Afzal, sometimes women who manipulate men into giving them all those "gifts" on Valentine's Day are greedy. My focus, however, was more on the manipulation - on making the man go out and get all the stuff. Actually, these are often women who demand something on every gift-giving holiday. If they're moms, they demand breakfast in bed or a trip to a local restaurant on Mother's Day, and wonder why they're not going to Pricey Pricey Restaurant on that day if they're being taken out to eat. When Thanksgiving rolls around, everything has to be traditional, even if all the food cooked is wasted. At Christmas or Hanukkah, they have to get all the "gifts" they "request," or woe be unto the "donor." In other words, they are manipulative witches (substitute the letter B for the letter W in that word and you'll get my drift) that have a laundry list of demands cleverly disguised as requests. Or they won't even mention what they demand, feeling that the "donor" just ought to know to get them the appropriate gifts or whatever on the appropriate days. If the "donor" doesn't, that person is cut out of their lives, often not knowing why the change in behavior on the part of the manipulator.

posted by kidnykid on February 13, 2007 at 4:46 AM | link to this | reply

I think you have a point here against greediness .

posted by afzal50 on February 12, 2007 at 11:37 AM | link to this | reply

You're right...Manipulating men to give you chocolates and roses for

Valentine's Day is inexcusable.

I prefer to use my prowess to work on more substantial gifts--like diamonds.  LOL

Perfect post.

posted by Renigade on February 12, 2007 at 11:15 AM | link to this | reply