Comments on The Power of Smiles

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Are you just NOW letting me in on your secret? You have a February birthday, don't you?????? I hope I have not missed the day!  Do tell, pleeeeeeese????   Are you an aquarian or a pisces?   Jay's BDay is on the 24th so we are adjacent signs.  I told him opposites attract.  He keeps my head out of the clouds while I  keep his head out of the abyss.  We are tethered to each other so as to be grounded! His heart is telling him not to go back to a storefront, soooooo he may be making the move to being home!  I said his spirit guide is telling him what God is advising.  It may be God himself talking and that he should pay heed to his Godvoice.  Then I had to read my blogs before I shut down the computer and here it is, Friday already. And I spent all my time talking to Troosha and U!

How much fun I had doing that, too.  Oh, I must agree with you about how the woman said she was not a chuch goer but she was a believer.  If I had remained faithful to going to church in college, I would  have gone to the Methodist church and  that is where Mike (The ex-love interest from college and '05) had sung in the choir all 4 years.  We had sung together my freshman and sophomore years and even performed at a big meeting of farmers, but I don't think they liked our selection so well (we bombed as an act!) Had he told me he was singing in choir, I most likely would have, too.  But Jay didn't go to school those two years and I went home to Ottawa to be with him.  Mike used to call me his weekday girlfriend and Jay's weekend girlfriend.  I had attended church faithfully until college. Isn't that strange?  I never stopped believing.  I just got into a different habit.  After the children got to be 2 and 4, I realized I wanted to sing in a church choir again (it had been ten years) and I wanted my kids in church. Jay had always been a Methodist, so  we joined the FUMC, I joined the best choir in town and Jay sat out front with our squirmy kids until after children's sermon, when they went to a special room downstairs (until they were six years old, I think.)  Had I been a church goer in college and sung in choir with Mike, things may have turned out quite differently for us all.  Guess God had different plans for us all!  I hve always regretted the ten years I wasted not singing now that my voice is gone!  God's gift; he giveth and he taketh away!  We must utilize our gifts while we can.   I should take Mary Faholo's suggestion of a coffee-table book more to heart.  I should see that I follow through and not squander another gift! 

Lady Cee

posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 8, 2007 at 10:34 PM | link to this | reply

You are a gem! And how right you are about small towns; it's much easier to be a first time smiler when you are pretty sure you'll get one back; the people in the cancer ward at KU Med in Kansas City were my toughest nuts to crack.  Once in a restaurant on the Plaza in KC, I'm sure I was glowing with smiles and some man looked at me like, well, he looked as if he was a character from JK Rowling's "Harry Potter" books, one from the Ministry of Magic, and I had just unknowingly cast a spell and he couldn't wait to report me!  It was a strange strange look.

I was told every man in the restaurant had been staring at me, etc. etc. I had felt that I'd had many eyes boring holes into me, though.  The power and radiance of the Almighty's love is perceived through smiling, I sincerely believe!

I like it when people smile at me and then I become aware that it is because I was just smiling away as I walked.  I had an older man tell me once he came into the store where I worked summers as a college girl just in hopes of going by my counter and my looking up at him and smiling. I could hardly believe it but I supposed I did do that.  It wouldn't be the last time my smiling would change  a life, either, so I know it has to be a conduit to my heart, where my Lord lives.  I am an emissary I suppose; it is one way to put it and I say that with all humility.


posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 8, 2007 at 10:10 PM | link to this | reply

Lady C what a gift for me in r birthday month.All I give is recycled THINGs

Thank you angel of Jay! Please email this to me, pleaseeee, so that it will easier to send to all and sundry. It is bound to touch herats and souls where GODHEAD dwells. I also loved that the heroine is not a churchgoer but a believer. Not that churchgoing is bad; it is not ALL that is needed of us and the world by Christ Jesus.

posted by ILLUMINATI8 on February 8, 2007 at 3:19 PM | link to this | reply

What a lovely story.  I make it a personal goal to smile at at least 5 people when I'm out doing my daily errands.  I'm new to a small town but I have found that all it takes is a smile to get a smile back.  Thanks for sharing...

posted by Troosha on February 8, 2007 at 2:37 PM | link to this | reply

You are so excited!  I hope my confession of not being the woman in this story doesn’t bring you down.  She most assuredly is a kindred spirit.  As I was telling Rumor in the last message, that this could have been me, though, because I often play a smiling game, called the first smile club? (I explained it in Rumor’s reply.)  

I act from my heart most times and my head has to catch up.  I think men don't trust their hearts; you wrote about this -- the head just yaks it up and convinces the self of the heart's inadequacies.  It is the part of us that cannot tell a lie.  God lives in our hearts and that is where we go to visit.  When we smile at someone, it's His love that shines out.  He has a mansion in my heart.  My heart, for one, is vast.  I love so many wonderful souls and in a variety of ways.  Would I lay my life down for any one of them? Of course I would, or if put to the test, I certainly believe I would.  Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by!!


posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 8, 2007 at 12:27 PM | link to this | reply

That last comment was directed to Rumor (the 'R' got left off)

posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 8, 2007 at 11:32 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you for stopping by and your wonderful comment.  This particular story is very close to my heart and I shared it hoping it would warm others. The woman in the story is not me, but I have done such similar experiments with smiling first and noting the reaction back.  It's nearly always a smile.


posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 8, 2007 at 11:30 AM | link to this | reply

Superb! Superb!! Superb!!! Cee. You are now an angel to my eyes.
"God Gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into its nest", is so reassuring, and it has really, really warmed up my otherwise cold heart. I live too much in the head, rather than where I should, the heart. I'll share it with many,...many thanks.

posted by on February 8, 2007 at 6:10 AM | link to this | reply

wow! Cee, thanks for sharing this story..we never know when God is going to
touch us and/or others in special were an angel that day to these two men.....

posted by Rumor on February 8, 2007 at 5:52 AM | link to this | reply

Dear Rich,
Thank you for such a wonderful comment and birthday greeting.  I take it to heart! That means a lot!


posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 7, 2007 at 9:45 PM | link to this | reply


You have touched my heart, too. You're an angle.




posted by richinstore on February 7, 2007 at 6:42 PM | link to this | reply

Hi Sannhet-
Thanks for coming by.  My Final Analysis post is one that Mother Teresa also read each day.  She had it hanging above her door to remind her of its tenants every day.

posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 7, 2007 at 9:46 AM | link to this | reply

Cee -
A wonderfully uplifting story! Thank you for spreading it to others.

posted by sannhet on February 7, 2007 at 8:28 AM | link to this | reply