Comments on A Rant inspired by a Whinge...

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Funny, I woke up today in a similar sort of mood.
It's diminished as the day has gone by though...

posted by FactorFiction on December 30, 2006 at 7:00 PM | link to this | reply

Alright, take it easy folks, at least, for right or wrong those of you with
beliefs on one side or another are actually proactive in representing them.  They may not neccessarily be what I'd agree with, some downright scary in the good 'ol U S of A, but people still talk up!

Apathy coupled with all talk & inaction well that doesn't bode well now does it?

posted by CringeintheUSA on December 30, 2006 at 4:44 PM | link to this | reply

Just hang in there. That 5% is worth it!

posted by Whacky on December 30, 2006 at 4:29 PM | link to this | reply

Ciel - I hear you - it is as if an entire segment of the globe is lost in

a maze akin to Alice's wonderland.

Political and religious leaders, as well as members of the academic and scientific communities; all upon occassion promise to lead us from this maze. But when we follow their lead we find ourselves deeper in wonderland. Initiatives to step off of this treadmill must be individualistic  . . . which I guess explains the 5 percentile you allude to.  

posted by gomedome on December 30, 2006 at 11:16 AM | link to this | reply

Good though provoking post .

posted by afzal50 on December 30, 2006 at 9:39 AM | link to this | reply