Comments on Confucius on ignorance

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Thank you Stbond for my chance in comment mam

posted by lionladroar on December 9, 2006 at 3:08 PM | link to this | reply

Never wanting too cause one slight ripple, let alone one splashing wave, never wanting right if proving others wrong hurts them. . . Even though supposedly t'is good for the soul they don't believe in. . . Never wanting in anyway wining, because second and third have to look up at you and you can see the jealousy in  their eyes . . Never wanting strength because their is no love in the crushing. . . .Never wanting , never wanting.. . . Run into the pitch black, leave no scent for nostril of beast or God. . . Hide this useless sponge like heart away, for even in Satans last day, hour, second, it will sour in sorrow for him whom once shone!. . .The once mighty jeweled angel that lit. . .The Right Hand Of God. .SHARING  HEAVEN ? . .  Yet I was created and birthed, but I never wanted this hell of wanting. . Of proving others wrong,. .  Wearing their defeated emotions like medals pining their hurt to my chest for all the world to look upon. Seeing myself weak, willing to loose for the sake of peace. . . .Different in most all others eyes, and only speaking most, because I hate the boast. . . For have seen none with as weak , as heart . . As I. . . So bless you all and your wanting. . . . Leave me in ignorance, though turn off the light of creation for I can still see your wanting in your pitched black hearts. . . Mike x x x 

posted by lionladroar on December 9, 2006 at 2:46 PM | link to this | reply