Comments on Sonnet 68

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Hi, Tony,

here's the link to my Remembrance Sunday piece that I promised you yesterday

el Tel

posted by ariel70 on November 12, 2006 at 12:42 PM | link to this | reply

Hi Tony,
A beautiful poem indeed! Reminiscing the advent of the WWI. You may be surprised to know that since the dawn of human history we are aware of, about 30 centuries ago, man has gone to war, the major ones, more than 3500 times making it an average of more that one a year. Strange! Politicians make pacts of peace in times of war, and making plans for war in times of peace. It seems that politics and war go hand in glove with each other. Someone asked Einstein, what do you think...when do you predict the III WW? Einstein replied, "I cannot say anything about the Third, but I can predict about the Fourth". Puzzled, the man asked what did he mean? Einstein said that if the III took place, humanity would not remain to fight the IV!!. That is why the balance now, I suppose.

posted by on November 12, 2006 at 5:16 AM | link to this | reply

Well said, well done.........

Friday was the 231st birthday of the Corps, 49 of the original 50 enlistees died in the war against some semi mad German from Hanover who went by the name of George.

Semper Fidelis........ Major Farsailor

posted by FARSAILOR on November 12, 2006 at 3:54 AM | link to this | reply

Bon nuit, Tony! Yes, it is not the soldiers I take issue with, but those
who send them into battle needlessly. Life is the most precious thing there is, not to be squandered carelessly and indifferently, out own or anyone else's.

posted by Blanche. on November 11, 2006 at 7:08 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks Taps, Kat and Blanche.

It's good to have common ground that involves us all. I'm glad that we can all see both sides of the question when it comes to fighting in war. It would be a shame for those who died if the beneficiaries of their sacrifice mocked it.

Must go to bed, it's 3 am here - Good night!

posted by Antonionioni on November 11, 2006 at 6:50 PM | link to this | reply

Tony, I would be a resistance fighter in a guerilla war, if there were one,
to protect what I believe in.  That's why I get so feisty at times, I think that some things are worth defending.  I am glad you wrote a commemmorative poem for Veteran's Day, it's worth honoring those who paid the ultimate price, for whatever reasons.

posted by Blanche. on November 11, 2006 at 6:44 PM | link to this | reply

You put so much into one poem and did it wonderfully , I totally agree and love the part were you said, For them self's and their families rather then for false beliefs , This gives them the courage to move forward, And every solider should be honored in death

posted by Kat02 on November 11, 2006 at 6:35 PM | link to this | reply

Tonyzonit, I'm glad to see this here today.   I thought about sharing In Flanders Field and then let the idea get away from me.

posted by TAPS. on November 11, 2006 at 6:24 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks everyone for your great comments!
I'm glad it was poppylar (groan).

posted by Antonionioni on November 11, 2006 at 5:39 PM | link to this | reply

on second read, it is even better..
I takes me time to absorb what you are saying, that is because you are saying so much in such short lines. Well done.

posted by marieclaire66 on November 11, 2006 at 5:08 PM | link to this | reply


this says a lot, and they do deserve to be honoured. I'm not so sure about the leaders in every case. I wouldn't want my son to go to war, but I'd respect his wish to, if he chose to.

Poppies in Flanders Fields

posted by mneme on November 11, 2006 at 4:25 PM | link to this | reply

Hi Tony !
Great post friend , poets and wars , I often think what it must of been like in the first world 1, mud and blood but still they go on, I wonder if they start sometimes with misunderstandings or someone being crafty ? Well wrote friend. Mike ps my reply is next too your book on my blog z

posted by lionladroar on November 11, 2006 at 3:39 PM | link to this | reply

Be it wrong or right, wars keeps happening and it's the faithful soldier that gets caught it the political or religious cross fire.  They need to be honoured for, at the very least, stepping up to the plate.  Thank you for remembering on this day of remembrance.

posted by Troosha on November 11, 2006 at 2:50 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks RI, glad you see the difficult point I was trying to make.
I think I would take part if there was general mobilisation. Because it's a moral duty then, not to the state but to the people, to defend them. I'm thinking of WWII style defensive war, of course, not the Gulf War. that is a lot more problematic. But I still can see why the soldiers do it, and good luck to them.

posted by Antonionioni on November 11, 2006 at 1:57 PM | link to this | reply

Tonyz, I think when we realize we're fighting for our families, it becomes
much easier..not that its ever good...well put...

posted by Rumor on November 11, 2006 at 1:54 PM | link to this | reply

HI Tony
I like the last lines, who are we fighting for and why? i wonder, it is not always that clear cut. I think fighting to defend our families is a very good reason to fight. Fighting for ideals is dangerous.

posted by marieclaire66 on November 11, 2006 at 1:48 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks Dave
Are you drinking again? I overdid it last night. I'm on tea tonight - green of course.

posted by Antonionioni on November 11, 2006 at 12:36 PM | link to this | reply

Fantastic Tony. You get better and better and better.
Practice makes perfect.

posted by _dave_says_ack_ on November 11, 2006 at 12:25 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks Bell Keeper and Terry
I'll pop over and take  look at yours, El Tel. There is a film on TV right now about the Somme which is distracting me somewhat!

posted by Antonionioni on November 11, 2006 at 12:17 PM | link to this | reply



Great stuff, amigo! Thank you. We should never forget them.

I've done a piece commemorating GIs in WWII, and tomorrow, the British in WWI.

If you want to take a look, here'sthe link


posted by ariel70 on November 11, 2006 at 11:49 AM | link to this | reply

Very good. Touching work.

posted by bwFrampton on November 11, 2006 at 11:48 AM | link to this | reply