Comments on The Truth, So Help You God...

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Remember, Blanche, that Robertson and Falwell said it was the gays (and

others) that caused 9/11?  How about Katrina?  And if people weren't worthy because of abortions, there'd be a helluva lot of empty pews in churches all over the country, both men and women -- women for having them, and men for agreeing, financing, or both.  Abortion is not solely a female issue, therefore cannot be a sole female sin.  I could go on for days about the assininity of condemning for abortion. 

But you are a bit more forceful of late, Blanche.  I'd feel better if there were more positive signs of an upheaval in the current legislative status quo.  You know, like something being done about illegal immigration, actually doing something about getting our troops out of Iraq, really putting some money into alternative fuel development....

posted by saul_relative on November 11, 2006 at 11:32 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks, Saul, ryn on Haggart: yes, would that those of us who truly believe

in Christ as a prophet to be emulated would put that into practice in our own lives, and shut the f* up about others'.  Wasn't there something in the Good Book about "take the stick out of your own eye before attempting to remove the log out of your brother's...eye?"  Yeah, right. 

It's a simple idea, Golden Rule, etc.  But I am so sick of being judged for not being the right kind of Christian, and also hearing the bleating about gays and abortions bringing down the wrath of Jehovah on us all. I truly believe that any benevolent, omniscient deity is more p.o.ed over self-righteous sanctimony and lack of compassion for the poor and disabled than over who's zooming who and whether or not they have an abortioin. Give me a small break, please.

(Can you tell I'm feeling my oats after this Democratic sweep?)

posted by Blanche. on November 11, 2006 at 10:24 PM | link to this | reply

As should we all, SlyCy. The problem seems to arise most from those
only too willing to apply his teachings to others' lives without doing the same to their own...

posted by saul_relative on November 8, 2006 at 9:22 PM | link to this | reply

Good observation about Jesus Saul. I should be more observant of his
teachings in my own life.

posted by SlyCy on November 8, 2006 at 7:10 AM | link to this | reply

Go get 'em, Blanche. The teachings of Christ are excellent moral and
ethical codes for everyone, even if one doesn't happen to be Christian or Muslim (yes, they, too, believe in Christ -- as a prophet).  Would that more people use them as a template for their lives than as a blunt instrument with which to browbeat non-Christians.

posted by saul_relative on November 5, 2006 at 9:46 PM | link to this | reply

Saul, lol to your last reference to Peter's denying Christ three times

before the cock crowed. That would be dawn, right?  Well, let's hope we're seeing the dawn of not the Age of Aquarius, and not the Fall from Grace of God's chosen, persecuted by the "liberal media" (which exists only in the mind of the right, since big-business, and giant corporations own and control the 6 media outlets which we are stuck with, feeding us pap).

No, Faholo and those who are piously washing their hands of Haggart, this boy is all yours.  You set him up as an idol to be worshipped, and by God, the lot of you who have forced your sanctimony down our throats, and not all Christians believe as you do, (me for example)

I am appalled by the lack of consistency in following the real Christ's message.  Christ didn't give everyone a free pass to "not be judged", he said, "repent and go and sin no more",  HUGE difference.

posted by Blanche. on November 5, 2006 at 9:29 PM | link to this | reply