Comments on Well, hello, Big Brother - nice to meet you!

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Rest assured...
that I do not have gigabytes of kiddie porn on my hard drive (unless my husband is doing something I don't know about, and if he does, the broadband is in my name, anyway, so I'd still have something to say about it). Besides, as I mentioned in the original post, mistakes can indeed get into the record. As an old pastor friend used to say, life happens.

posted by kidnykid on November 2, 2006 at 6:00 AM | link to this | reply

I think we've all used "the Google" as GWB says...

and laughed about what we assumed was his bumbling attempt to look up something.  I guess we didn't know he was using the Google to see what we're looking up. Did you just feel a little chill run up your spine?  I did.  

I don't think you have to worry about looking up info on Google, whether or not Big Brother's got his eye on you. If Uncle Sam can backtrack your Google hits, and we're pretty sure he can, he'll see that you're researching for a good cause. It might be different if you had gigabytes of kiddie porn on your hard drive. 

Thanks for posting thought-provoking blogs!  :)pat

posted by Pat_B on November 2, 2006 at 5:43 AM | link to this | reply