Comments on 300,000,000 People In America?

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Bush and the Bobbleheads are the Ministry of Truth, don't ya know,

Blanche?  They're Orwellian doublespeakers.  And you're right; the 'new math' is merely smeared Bushit over the real numbers.

As far as Corbin is concerned -- he has his right to his opinion.  And, at rare times, his opinion and mine vary by only a few degrees.  Still, I find that a courteous dialogue, even among those in disagreement, allows for an exchange of ideas and understanding that might not otherwise have been reached.  It is a concept our nation was based upon, this exchange of ideas without fear of recrimination, no matter how the Bush administration tries to disable it -- uh, pardon me, "protect" it.

posted by saul_relative on October 17, 2006 at 10:16 PM | link to this | reply

Saul, I've heard of "new math" but the current regime has perfected lying

with statistics.  What recession?  We're not hemorrhaging jobs, overseas, cause Walmart makes up for what GM lost.  We don't have a defiicit, because the $4 billion a month of the Iraq war is "off the books" talk about "cooking the books" GW Bush and cronies are stealing the American public blind, putting future generations in hock up to their necks.

TAx and spend Democrats? How about Delusional, denial-ridden, greedy, lying cronyism.  I'm so sick of this g.d. b.s, I can barely talk about it and if Corbin reads this, he'll start and I may get started, too. How do you manage to keep a civil tone with him? I myself cannot.

posted by Blanche. on October 17, 2006 at 4:03 PM | link to this | reply

No, not that I know of, Mademoiselle. However, I did hear that the parents
of little Three Hundred Mil will get a free sterilization coupon that can be used at a clinic of their choice.  Plus, as a bonus, they get preventive teen angst counseling and a lifetime supply of Excedrin Extra Strength.

posted by saul_relative on October 16, 2006 at 8:20 AM | link to this | reply

You got it, Blanche. My favorite current shell game being played by the
government is the jobs/economy numbers game.  They don't count the people being actually being laid off this month because they counted them way back when, say, Ford or GM announced their cuts.  Then there's the overall jobs/jobless rate, where they count the number of jobs out there, not the reduced payscales or the multiple per capita jobs.  Because, as you know, Blanche, it only matters that you're working, not that you've been laid off from a $20 per hour job and have had to take two or three jobs (hopefully, one is full-time, with benefits) to pay your bills.  In government math, that's a gain of a job or two.  Sometimes, quality counts also.

posted by saul_relative on October 16, 2006 at 8:14 AM | link to this | reply

Are they planning to give some sort of prize to the 300 million dollar baby?

Such as a lifetime supply of Huggies (up to 300M)? Or perhaps even, a 300 million dollar gift certificate to Toys R Us?

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posted by Mademoiselle on October 16, 2006 at 7:02 AM | link to this | reply

Saul, playing with numbers: the bureaucrats coconut shell game.

If the government actually has real facts, in the form of accurate numbers, then it must be held accountable.  So, they keep everything off the books  population, the Iraq war budget, which is costing billions every day is not officially part of the budget so it "doesn't count".

Sadder still is that there is no official death count of the number of Iraqis killed by US bombings, the most believable number I've heard is app. 600,000.

And, best of all, rather than deal with global warming or "climate change". the Adminsitration has closed the EPA library and re-classified already de-classified documents.

Can anyone doubt that this is a government of secrecy, lies and drunken delusional denial. That is what alcoholics and drug addicts do:  deny evidence and facts.  What a sociopathic, warped, twisted reality George W Bush and his cronies inhabit. But they were re-elected, so 59 million people knew what they were getting.  Sick.

posted by Blanche. on October 16, 2006 at 3:14 AM | link to this | reply