Comments on I may have to go to the vet

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Well, let me tell you that getting neutered is the first step- male cats who are not neutered do not do well living inside a house.  The other thing is, cats tend to want to do their bathroom thing in the same places that they did before and they have very good noses for that.  Litter box issues are complex- you need the kind of soft unscented litter to make the box nice and inviting and any areas where spraying has happened need to be totally disinfected.  Cats can also be discouraged from going into previously sprayed areas by placing things they don't like in those areas (like those plastic carpet runners with the little barbs on the bottom- turned upside down!)  Good luck and feel free to email nanaroo for more info...

posted by Nanaroo on September 26, 2006 at 6:01 AM | link to this | reply

I have a question for you Mr. Cat

I am a six month old male cat and my family is threatening to put me out. I have a big problem. I am spraying the clothes, both clean and dirty, while they are in laundry baskets. Is there any help for this behavior or am I doomed to go live as a barn cat?

PS I am not neutered yet, but if it will help I will get (GULP) fixed. The problem is, people have been telling my family that it won't help, because the house I was raised in was like one big litter box.

posted by Schatz on September 26, 2006 at 5:53 AM | link to this | reply

That's a tough call--there are so many reasons
cats throw up. Often they eat grass TO throw up (I have no idea why). Is it more than once a day, and is it right after eating? If it continues, you should probably go to the vet soon.

posted by Julia. on September 25, 2006 at 1:03 PM | link to this | reply

how old is Mr. Cat? is it hairball season?

posted by -blackcat on September 25, 2006 at 12:59 PM | link to this | reply