Comments on War and Religion: Islam’s Embrace of Violence

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This is the last time I will respond to you

You clearly have decided NOT to let the facts influence your opinion. I did not say that all Imams preached violent Jihad. I did say, and have written extensively on this, that a very large number of Imams preach violence. This is not discussable opinion--it is simple fact. While there are isolated Christian ministers who preach violence, it is very rare, and is categorically rejected by ALL organized Christian faiths. Wahhabi Islam, on the other hand is fundamentally violent, and rewards its followers for their violence. Other Islamic sects preach varying amounts of violence, especially against Jews and Americans. This kind of organized religious violence is unprecedented in modern history.

I don't mean to insult you by cutting off discussion, but I don't have time to discuss with a person who cannot understand what I am saying. Please read my post on this subject for further insight.

posted by arGee on September 9, 2003 at 12:49 PM | link to this | reply

Are you saying that all Imams' preach jihad? I'm sure there are many of them who would vehemently disagree. In this country, there are Christian hard right extremists who encourage violence and terrorism. I'm thinking of white supremacy groups who have called their beleifs a religion and gatherings a church service, and also those who preach hatred and intolerance and for attacks against abortion doctors and homosexuals. How is this any different than the Islamic radicals? (who, it seems to me ignore the Korans' true message) I am not Muslim by the way. I beleive in God, Jesus and their teachings. I don't feel a need to identify with any certain religion. I pray and try hard to listen to the Saviours' voice within my soul and follow His way. And yes, I feel the U.S. is a battle hungry nation for reasons of greed, power and control. Not to be safer or better protected. If that were true, why, with all of the money and lifes already expended, did 9-11 happen? And why, in the 1980's did we help Saddam Hussian arm Iraq so heavily? Because it was a good business arrangement, plain and simple. George Bush Sr. won't admit that, but it's true. Now the war in Iraq is great business, especially for corporations.(Bectel and Halliburton to name a few.) I have read, studied and researched this for quite awhile; I trust my own conclusions. It's been interesting sparring with you. I appreciate your blogs for their attention to detail and the history contained within them. Obviously, you have done your homework well too. I just think your conclusions are wrong. Respectfully, katray

posted by Katray2 on September 9, 2003 at 12:03 PM | link to this | reply

I appreciaqte your point of view, but...

I urge you to read my forthcoming posts on Islam. I wish your perspective were the way it is, because, clearly, Christianity has "grown" out of much of its belligerence. If your choose to look at the history of the "West" dispassionately, you will see a clear pattern of "free" peoples defending themselves against tyranny.

Islam is the ONLY religion where Imams exhort their parishioners to go out and kill. Priests, ministers, and rabbis don't do this, ever!  Think about it!

posted by arGee on September 9, 2003 at 11:02 AM | link to this | reply

What is raising armies, drafting young men to military service and using a countries resources to arm a nation to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction, then using this power against other countries even when there isn't a clear and urgent danger to survival? Is this not a battle cry? Has this not been happening in the U.S. for decades up until the very present? What about all of the wars waged against Native Americans to drive them off their lands and the Christian missions to convert the "savages" to the "right and proper faith of Christianity"? True, words like jihad, holy war and infidels were and are not part of the vocabulary, instead "God on our side" and pagans. As you yourself revealed, the Koran clearly states that jihad against innocent civilians is wrong and evil. As I stated before, it is the Islamic extremists' determination to twist the messages of the Koran to their own sick, evil purposes that we should be fighting against, not Islam itself.

posted by Katray2 on September 9, 2003 at 9:22 AM | link to this | reply

The difference is
Islam is the ONLY religion that specifically exhorts its adherents to battle (I speak of the modern world, not the medieval).

posted by arGee on September 9, 2003 at 6:27 AM | link to this | reply

Well, I see what happened. For some reason, when I clicked on this blog to add a comment to, it went to your Sept.6th blog instead. Unless I was the one who goofed, but I don't think so because I didn't even read that one. Anyway, there you will see comments intended for this blog. A couple of other thoughts: Christians don't call it Jihad or Holy War, but how many wars have been started in the last 100 years by non Muslims? That doesn't even include the Civil War. Slaughter and destruction visited upon other nations, not just for defense or survival purposes. The Vietnam and Korean Wars, Hitler and Germany-2 World Wars. The Christian and non-Muslim recent history looks much bloodier to me than the Islamic one.

posted by Katray2 on September 9, 2003 at 5:33 AM | link to this | reply

War and Religion
It would end with a massive body count! That was an interesting piece of history. I know that you didn't write it, but you had the insight to get it out in public and make people aware. Good job! The religious beliefs of today are somewhat an oddity considering how it was meant to be according to the scriptures. Or maybe its just other nationalities that are confused. One can only ponder the thought.

posted by Sherri_G on September 9, 2003 at 4:28 AM | link to this | reply