Comments on Random thoughts on "Prostitutes"

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Lilane ,I think you have got the point and have understood my post.
Thanks for sharing your views.

posted by afzal50 on July 11, 2006 at 7:51 AM | link to this | reply

Dennison mann, No , your comment is very deep and meaningful .
May be I have gone wrong some where in my expression . Thanks .

posted by afzal50 on July 11, 2006 at 7:31 AM | link to this | reply

I don't think this was meant to be a history lesson about prostitutes, but a view on them and those that use them.  I really don't know much about the cliental of a prostitute, or about prostitutes themselves, as I don't know any personally, that I am aware of or I don't know anyone, that I am aware of, that have used them in the past.  But what I get from this blog is not a put down of the prostitute or her cliental but just the fact they are there for any man to use, be it a rapist or a business man just seeking to get satisfied.  They can be used as a detterant for those men that might be a weirdo or abuser.  There are many women, also known as gold diggers that take gifts from the rich man to fulfill his wants and needs. are they prostitues too?

posted by Lanetay on July 11, 2006 at 7:24 AM | link to this | reply


You can think all you like that I read your post quickly but you'd be wrong. I even copied and pasted your entire entry on the comments page so I could pick through it line by line. You really don't think my rather elaborate response below was something I just rushed through, do you? C'mon, think about it. I addressed nearly every point you made about prostitution.

Tell me something. What makes you think that I read your post quickly? Was it my short, shallow response? 


posted by Dennison..Mann on July 11, 2006 at 7:13 AM | link to this | reply

Afraid I have to agree mostly
with DM  .... I have never visited a prostitute.  Never needed to.

posted by Shams-i-Heartsong on July 11, 2006 at 7:01 AM | link to this | reply

Dennison mann,
Please do not feel offended what I meant is that those who have not had the chance of enjoying sex in their surrounding they must have found there way to brothel quarters. For one country to legalise does not help the community of the prostitutes all over the world . I think you have read my blog very fast and for that reason you have misunderstood the whole plea which I was trying to present on behalf of the prostitutes . Any way thanks for the additional information provided by you . It seems you have good knowledge and study over prostitution . However I do agree with your view and feel sorry if I have hurt any body .

posted by afzal50 on July 11, 2006 at 6:35 AM | link to this | reply

I think that as a society we must love them as Jesus would.

posted by Amanda__ on July 11, 2006 at 5:43 AM | link to this | reply

My View Is That You...

have not done your homework. First off, Germany (among several countries around the world) has legal prostitution. Secondly, please cite your source document for your assertion that "most" men have visited a brothel at least once during their lifetime. As far as I can tell, that particular statement by you was merely a flimsy generalization based upon little more than your personal journey. Thirdly, show me where it is written that men who rely on prostitution to meet their sexual needs must be either "hungry" or "perverted" as you've labeled them. And lastly, prostitution is not a career choice only for women anymore! The number of men who sell their sexual talents continues to grow.

Your post betrays your preconceived notions regarding prostitution. Namely, you seem to view prostitution as something "perverted", dirty and a real sacrifice for women. Your attempts to revere women who "sacrifice themselves" in the name of sex rings hollow when I encounter the gaping holes in your point of view.

I personally know people who have paid for expensive education with the money they've made through "prostitution." I personally know single folk who routinely tap into the sex industry as a way of filling their sexual needs without all the emotional trappings that your so called "normal" relationships bring. And those single folks are neither perverted nor hungry. They're simply having fun.

If we can go to the doctor for ailments; if we can visit our attorney for legal advice; if our accountant helps us meet our fiscal obligations; if we can visit a theater for escapism; if a consultant guides us through a tough assignment; if clergy can comfort us in our darkest hours, if a counselor can help us with our failed marriage, then why shouldn't sexual needs meet the same threshold for fulfillment? Why demonize something so natural and necessary for healthful living?

I'll tell you why: control. Sex is a very powerful motor within the human psyche. Governments and religious leaders have known that since the dawn of human awareness. You've asked what is the oldest profession? A career in politics is the oldest profession. People have always wanted to control other they can have sex with them.


posted by Dennison..Mann on July 11, 2006 at 5:16 AM | link to this | reply