Comments on "Our Very Own Spirit Whisperer"

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I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but it is comforting to know that they can come visit us from the other side, even after they cross over.  They want us to know they are around us and your dear wife is directing you about her garden.  They DO check up on us.    Do you feel her presence?  You intuitively "know"  where she wants you to plant the glads!  Your love is so strong for her, she just wants you to know she's doing well where she is and she checks up on you.   They are especially strong when the dew in on the grass.  Something about the atmosphere's  level of  electricity in it; they can conduct through the electrical currents.  Have you found yourself meditating or talking to her at sunrise, in her garden? 

We've been feeling my mother and father's presence lately.  My oldest sister heard my Dad's voice! He leaves me quarters.  And I found one soon after that!  He also turned the TV off that night.  My husband, who was standing right there saw it happen, heard the click of the tv; usually he says the cat stepped on the remote or some other explanation.  The remote was in plain sight, no cats!

Thank you for reading my story (It's got more to it from before.)  I appreciate your support!


posted by LadyCeeMarie on May 3, 2006 at 12:55 PM | link to this | reply

Definitely, but it took me about 10 rewrites after I had this posted to correct it.  I think I was guided on this project.  I found one more typo this morning!  NOW it's time to send it to his mother,  I think.  I had insomnia the last two nights.  Last night I heard it, at 2:00 a.m. just as I went to bed; a child's voice made me open my eyes and listen.  Who would have a child up at this hour since it sounded like it came up next door.  I was awake and up again at 5:15 until about 7:30 and then I slept until 1:15!!   I had jheard a child's voice again and someone a man talking to it.  From outside.  Impossible.
Interesting things go on, don't they?  Thanks for reading and leaving your comments! I'm getting this stone and story into the mail to James's mother, Julie!!

posted by LadyCeeMarie on May 3, 2006 at 12:32 PM | link to this | reply


A wonderful story, I have deep feelings and experiences about some events in my life.

Especially since my Joycie died, and my teacher love is still around I think. Well, for one thing all of her plants are still alive, they bloom all the time.

I actually work out in the garden. That is odd. It used to be that I was the grunt, she the gardener.

"Johnny, dig me a bed there will ya please.?" Of course I loved doing what she needed, and she'd turn that bed into a thing of great beauty all the time. Today, she wants gladioli around the boulder I think.


posted by WileyJohn on May 3, 2006 at 7:25 AM | link to this | reply

Great story Cee!
One of these days I will have to get to writing up another story of my own that is very involved... I am glad you included the "Jimmy Crack Corn" part, because once in a while I get these weird ideas in my head along similar lines and this sort of verifies that I am not TOTALLY out of my mind...

posted by FactorFiction on May 3, 2006 at 6:07 AM | link to this | reply

I can imagine this ws particularly interesting since you have an uusual 4 year old yourself.  It is right to pay them special attention; they are just little people.  Thank you for your continued support!

posted by LadyCeeMarie on May 2, 2006 at 11:54 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks for your nice comments sannhet!
Absolutely -- it's so good to know someone like Melinda who reinforces everything I've always felt and all I have felt about divine love is validated -- James has several other stories relating to  his death that shows how wide the circle of love can extend.

posted by LadyCeeMarie on May 2, 2006 at 11:52 PM | link to this | reply

Cee -
What a great story! For me, it reinforces the concept that we are all just a part of the cycle of love, that most of us are only aware of are part of the cycle, and that we will return to this part of the cycle again some day.

posted by sannhet on May 2, 2006 at 7:19 AM | link to this | reply

I enjoyed reading this very much. My four year-old, Sam, has said many things that convinces us he is unusually perceptive. God bless James.

posted by avant-garde on May 2, 2006 at 3:48 AM | link to this | reply