Comments on What If It Had Been The Duke Basketball Team

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The true tragedy is that whether it happens at Duke University, Columbine High School, a dirty alley somewhere, or in any community anywhere on earth, that there are people who see nothing wrong with taking whatever they want.  I'll never understand the mentality that leads one to seek power of any kind over anyone, for any reason.  Nevertheless, I laughed at the lacrosse vs. basketball reference.

It's going to be up to a jury to decide what really took place, but it's a sad situation for an awful lot of families.

posted by BarbUnplugged on April 22, 2006 at 11:24 PM | link to this | reply

WWpiMM, It is Duke University that I am defending not
the Lacrosse or Basketball teams!   P.S.  I don't mind you yelling at me, I am over 50, and I have to have reading glasses!

posted by MountainClimber57 on April 18, 2006 at 9:07 PM | link to this | reply

Well Damn Mountain Climber, Why don't we just hang them all already,

After all there only Lacrosse players, They couldn't possibly be innocent until proven guity, could they?

And How come I always fell like your yelling at me every time I open up one of your BloGs ?


posted by WWPiMM on April 18, 2006 at 10:30 AM | link to this | reply