Comments on My wife and I were discussing the gods last night

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In further reading, it appears that virgins could be a misinterpretation
Won't that be disappointing?

posted by SuccessWarrior on April 13, 2006 at 7:22 AM | link to this | reply

SuccessWarrior -- I've always wondered about those virgins?
The first question that came to mind is whether or not they were alive or dead? It could be that the 911 suicide terrorists got their reward of virgins but the girls were alive while the terrorists were the only dead people at the party? Then you have to question the number 72, like where did this peculiar number come from? It's my guess that they started at 100 but Allah is one shrewd negotiator.

posted by gomedome on April 12, 2006 at 7:18 PM | link to this | reply

xeno, or maybe not being is just god as well

posted by SuccessWarrior on April 12, 2006 at 2:28 PM | link to this | reply

that's what they say when somebody dies

they've prayed to god for the recovery for months and years and had faith that god would heal.

then they die.

and its god's will.

hey!!! whatever happens is -- acutally no will to it -- it just is, just as god just is.

just being is god.


posted by Xeno-x on April 12, 2006 at 1:44 PM | link to this | reply

and to add insult to injury
Our fathers sit high in their ivory towers, as they construct more suitable accomodations beneath the earth, in well appointed bunkers - in the event of catastrophy - whilst others of our fathers who engineered and executed these operations sleep peacefully in the ground - while we, you and I, are left holding the bag - paying the wages of their sin...

posted by astromuffy on April 12, 2006 at 10:59 AM | link to this | reply

No fair!

posted by SuccessWarrior on April 12, 2006 at 10:55 AM | link to this | reply

genocide is our legacy
Its nothing to be proud of, but it's a discernable fact of history. Maybe you and I didn't do it. But we've inherited the sins of our fathers...

posted by astromuffy on April 12, 2006 at 10:44 AM | link to this | reply

I don't know that I would be proud to be good at genocide

posted by SuccessWarrior on April 12, 2006 at 10:40 AM | link to this | reply

God Bless America is a well known slogan, but God Help America, was my new slogan after the 911 tragedy.

I've come to the conclusion that race and religion are inseparable.

Each race has a more or less functioning consensus of God, and the laws of God.

It seems that that certain national groups congregate in places of worship that are identified with that particular group/race.

The English, and the Anglicans.

The Scottish, and the Presbyterians

The Germans, and the Lutherans.

Many races have been guilty of genocide.

Some races have been better at genocide than others.

Races endeavor to commit genocide to establish their own God/Authority/Law.

There seems to be no doubt that Osama and Bush are rewriting the laws of war.

And the way the Muslim extremists are going about this, assaults any traditions we've held dear about the aesthetics, beauty, and honor of war.

But their goal is no less different than the goal of any nation who struggled to gain ascendency over another.

The aim is the same, but the means are different.

posted by astromuffy on April 12, 2006 at 10:26 AM | link to this | reply