Comments on Three years of “war”; war protests; Iraqi’s clueless and crazy

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Thanks for the read and comment also Burly,
I think when we get to meet people we get a much better read on them.

posted by sarooster on March 21, 2006 at 3:20 PM | link to this | reply


Your take on this is very intuitive. I guess you are not giving yourself enough credit for being in the know about some of this stuff. I kind of agitate sometimes, but it's becasue we dont't have enough good open dialogue between all of us in this country. The left won't give an inch in their criticism of our President. I am more liberal (views on abortion, labor, money) than I care to admit sometimes, but I am not going to stand for the left to just bash the right all the time. I don't see things changing anytime soon. But we can try and I guess if we are trying to do good things in the end something will come out well. Thanks for the read and comment.

posted by sarooster on March 21, 2006 at 3:18 PM | link to this | reply

Ladies and gentlemen,

I knew this was going to be a good post when I saw the title.  I'm pleased to see such dialogue.  I can't wait to see more.  :) 

Now, for the record, I traditionally have voted Democrat, since I was old enough to vote, several years now.  And for the record, I support our president and our troops.  I don't know if that would make me a sort of non-Democrat or not, since I've never thought that I need to claim allegiance to one party to claim allegiance to my country.  Maybe it's just fun to be on teams or whatever.  I'm not sure how it all works.  I'm sure I'm just not politcally informed enough to care to be on the far right or left or wherever it is.

Frankly, when I watch a too much of the news and commentary shows, I'm perplexed at the ways that the parties behave toward each other and toward our elected presidents, past and present.  Perplexed, but intrigued and feeling quite enlightened at what I see and hear.  Whether we agree with the way the operations are going or not, we do tend to see a lot of hindsight commentary, or as Sarooster called it, Monday morning quarterbacking.  I think that's too bad.  Like Justsouno said, we'll have to wait and see.

Also, for the record, it's the "War on Terrorism".  It sounds a little picky, I guess, but the way the media has latched on to the lazy, semantically incorrect expression, "War on Terror", is so annoying.  We're not fighting fear itself.  Fear is a natural emotion.  We all have it.  We always will.  We're fighting people who incite and exploit fear.  Or at least, we're trying to.  Maybe the difference is too subtle to notice.  Oh well, thanks again.

posted by BlackPearl1 on March 21, 2006 at 3:01 PM | link to this | reply

I'll give you a little insight into George W's character. I was working at NBC and was invited to a party at a colleague's home where then Vice President George Bush and Barbara Bush were the featured guests. When it was over, and the Bushes were leaving, my wife said, loud enough for Barbara Bush to hear, "Oh I wanted to meet the Vice President!" At that, Mrs. Bush threw her leg up in front of the Vice President and said, "this young lady would like to meet you!" Bush senior stopped, shook hands with my wife and chatted amiably for a few moments. As they walked away, Mrs. Bush looked back and said, "there!" Her son is very much like her.

posted by Burly on March 21, 2006 at 10:11 AM | link to this | reply

We just have to do what we think is best in Iraq. A decision was made and we have to go with the decision that was made to go to fight over there. That's all I can say. It's rotten for the left to vote to go to war, which is a horrible thing, and then act like they are now. They played politics. They should be severely punished. Along with jumping on them we should make sure we take some of the policy makers to task in the Bush camp also.

posted by sarooster on March 21, 2006 at 2:09 AM | link to this | reply

Scarooster, Nobody has a better plan. nobody knows what to do that
may work with these loons all over the world. You have put together a good post, but we still have to wait and see.

posted by Justi on March 20, 2006 at 7:52 PM | link to this | reply

It's a hard thing to get together and discuss the war with anyone.-

These are just my thoughts, or some of my thoughts, on the thing. Both sides can be faulted for doing things wrong, but the President is the man who has to make the decisions. We have to hang with him after we gave him the authority to do what we have done. If you vote yes, then no, then.................well, we all get that picture.

posted by sarooster on March 20, 2006 at 7:05 PM | link to this | reply

Excellent, succinct post sarooster!

posted by JanesOpinion on March 20, 2006 at 6:36 PM | link to this | reply


I always point that out because they are playing politics now. And they are playing with the lives of our fine military and civilian personnel over there. We can't have honest dicussion on the war and the facts when so much politics is involved. I understand both sides do that, but George Bush has to make decisions. He can't be a Monday morning quarterback.

posted by sarooster on March 20, 2006 at 6:19 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks for reminding us of how the Democrats who are so adept at second-guessing the war and the President were so gung-ho in favor of it when their opposition could have made a real difference.

posted by WriterofLight on March 20, 2006 at 6:17 PM | link to this | reply