Comments on They really are losing it aren’t they?

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Thanks, Janes!
I think we would all like to have some good discussion about politics on here, but the left only wants to bash George Bush and that seems to be their religion at the moment.

posted by sarooster on March 5, 2006 at 2:27 PM | link to this | reply

Excellent post, Sarooster!!

posted by JanesOpinion on March 5, 2006 at 2:24 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks for the comment writer!
This is a war in my opinion. And I won't give an inch. I am ready for the fight.

posted by sarooster on March 5, 2006 at 1:28 AM | link to this | reply

Proud to be counted with you, my friend!
Excellent post, very well said. No point tangling with kooka on his opinions, we've dealt with all that already. I will challenge him on tax cuts, though. Bush's tax cuts have put several hundred dolalrs back in the hands of this most decidedly unwealthy lower middle class worker. And they've put huge amounts of money in the coffers of government.

posted by WriterofLight on March 4, 2006 at 9:30 PM | link to this | reply


Ma'am I am much more bark than bit and much more liberal than I would care to admit if the truth be known. I just antagonize the left because they don't want "spirited" conversation. They want war. They want George Bush gone. This is their agenda and religion. I got a little mean-sprited in my posts and I was trying to get kooka, who is a great blogger, to say something about my "moron" comment, which was done a big tongue in cheek and I hope he realizes that. I was going to come back with a line something like "I thought that was fact not an opinion". At least I hope that's how he reads it.

Rome, Georgia is a very beautiful place. I have been there briefly a couple of times. My Godmother had an aunt, all I can remember is her being called Aunt Tee, who lived in Rome. I can't remember the last name or her real name for that matter. I hope you continue to read. I will also try to act more like a Southern-gentleman and less like some crazed politicio. Thanks for the read and feel free to comment at any time.

posted by sarooster on March 4, 2006 at 5:22 PM | link to this | reply

I enjoyed reading the posts and spirited comments.  Thanks to you both, gentlemen.  God bless America.  :)

posted by BlackPearl1 on March 4, 2006 at 4:34 PM | link to this | reply

I like the last line. I am glad you have a life. Not many of you liberals
seem to have one from what I see. You really show your idiotic tendencies when you make a statement like you did at the end. How's that for name calling you big moron!!

posted by sarooster on March 4, 2006 at 3:58 PM | link to this | reply

Actually much of what I said was fact, not opinion.  I know as far as conservatives are concerned any fact that does not agree with their views becomes opinion somehow.

You will soon not be able to deny the facts.  When things come crumbling down around you you will have to face the facts.

I would go into more details on it all, but I do have a life and have to get ready to go out.

posted by kooka_lives on March 4, 2006 at 3:56 PM | link to this | reply


These are all your opinions and not facts. Your opinion is just that an opinion, and not fact.

The government can not grow the economy. That comes from the private sector. The money needs to be in the hands of the people who can provide jobs. The company I work for has more than doubled in size in the past three years. We are an engineering and surveying firm that provides great jobs, great pay, and great benefits. This is where the growth comes from.

I am not going to go point by point and refute or agree with things, but I will make a short comment.

The economy is doing fine. You say it's going to collapse, but things are rolling along just fine. Wouldn't common sense tell us that if it did not collapse after 9-11 and a series of horrible storms that if probably won't? Unemployment is very low even after these tragedies. And yes you are going to say the jobs are low paying so skip that lame argument. We have great jobs in this country if  you prepare yourself for one.

Look, what the gist of all my arguing and antagonizing is falls into some simple concepts. You on the left are never going to give the President, his administration, nor the conservatives any credit for doing anything. To you it's all bad. And I am going to be here to refute, argue, cause hate and dissention (is that how you spell that), and such until everyone gets fair and balanced.  That pretty much sums up what I am doing. The right has to have done something good but the left is not planning on giving them any credit and I am not going to give up bashing the left. Plus, it's just plain fun.


posted by sarooster on March 4, 2006 at 3:28 PM | link to this | reply

What coutnry do you live in then?

First off the tax cuts are only putting money back in the hands of the wealthy half of the population if not less than that.  Myself and none of the working class I know of have found any benefit form Bush's tax cuts.  We would be better off with teh taxes the way they were and more government programs to help build up the economy, instead of less. Bush's programs have done nothing at all to build up the economy and has only helped to weaken the important aspects such as small businesses by taking money away form them and given it to Big Business instead.

No one I know of was against going after the real terrorists.  We went after them and then let them go free so we could go after Iraq, who were no threat at all to us, which has been proven to be fact time and time again.  They may have had something in the way of a WMD program, but they were no where near begin a threat level.  We could have actually gone after the real terrorists, those who attacked us and dealt with them so that they would not be a threat and left Iraq alone and we would have been in better shape now.  There is no logic defense at all as to us being in Iraq.  We have lost almost as many American lives in our war with Iraq than we did on 9/11.  How does that make any sense at all?  Bush is sending those men and women to their deaths for his agenda, which has nothing at all to do with the War on Terror.  That is the biggest load of crap and you know it.

"Great idea and a great plan."

Are you talking about Iraq there?  The military advisors to Bush said it was a horrible idea and that there was no real planning involved.  All of the intelligence about Iraq has been proven wrong.  If anything Iraq proves that Bush is as clueless as it gets or as manipulative and lying as it gets.  Instead of actually defending our country and making it safer all he has done is weakened it and made it more likely that we will see a terrorist attack here at home.

"The right is in charge now and things are great."

The right is in charge, but you have to be on drugs and completely removed form reality to believe things are great.  Our economy is seriously about to collapse, there is no doubt at all about that and Bush and his group are doing nothing to stop it.  They seem to be in the same state of denial you are in.

"The right is bad if you refuse to work and want someone to give it to you."

No, the right is bad if you want to be paid fair wages for your work.  I want to work and I want to be paid fair wages.  I do not want handouts, no one I know wants handouts.  They want fair wages.  I guess you consider fair wages to be handouts then, because that I all the liberals want.  I do not refuse to work, I just can not find work because the conservatives have screwed things up so badly, and I have both the education and the experience needed, it is just there are not enough jobs out there to meet the demands.  More and more people are having a hard time finding good jobs because there are not much out there.  I hate not working.

" The right is bad if you want to give a terrorist the benefit of the doubt so he can strike at us again."

You mean like allowing them to run free while we go after Iraq?  Bin Laden was close to being captured when Bush pulled everything back in order to go in to Iraq.  Now Bin Laden is as free as free can get.  He is the known terrorist and enemy.  Why are we not going after him and letting Iraq, who is not the ones who attacked us, be?  The right does no care about protecting us in the least, because there is no profit for them to gain in doing what is right to protect this country.

"The right is bad if you want the government to keep your money and give it away to people who don’t deserve some of it."

I want the government to be able to afford programs that help build up our economy, such as we saw under Clinton when we had a much stronger economy than we do now. I want the government to use the money wisely for the country, not spend it on a waste of a war or pay it out to the large companies that get to over price everything and make a fortune off of the American people. If the money is used right it benefits everyone, the way it is now those tax cuts only provide any real help out a very small portion of the population.  Even you are most likely going to end up being greatly harmed by those tax cuts, even if you got a nice tax refund this year.  I guess your greed only allows you to think on one level and that is the here and now, the short term gain for yourself.  You care not about anyone else or the future of this country.

posted by kooka_lives on March 4, 2006 at 3:15 PM | link to this | reply