Comments on “Dire Warnings”; this is just too humorous

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You say people did not have a way or money to leave. Then don't you think they made a serious miscalculation in the first place to live in New Orleans. These people are responsible for their well-being not George Bush. The local people elect Levee Boards to oversee building of levees and and such. Local tax money helps fund the construction. The good people of New Orleans must have been satisifed with their level of protection or they would have demanded the levees be built to withstand a bigger hurricane. Why would someone want to sue the government when they hold all the keys to keeping themselves safe from a storm.?

Look, I understand what you are saying, but it does not wash. If your money does not last for the month you need to educate yourself better so you can get a better job to make more money or take a second job or whatever. If someone is poor they need to do something to have a better lot in life. If you depend on the government to give it to you then you might be in rough shape a lot of the time.

It is not up to George Bush and his administration to keep you safe from storms. They can aid you in many ways, but in the end the choices each of us make in our lives determine if we are safe from storms and other stuff. It is simply called personal responsibility. Blog, I require each of us to have it. You don't see it that way.

posted by sarooster on March 1, 2006 at 7:12 PM | link to this | reply

There are plans in place that should have been administered by the locals to use busses and such to get people out. The mayor has that responsibilty. The locals fell down on the job, but they can't force people to leave. If you wanted to stay that's your choice. You pay for your mistakes in a deal like this.

posted by sarooster on March 1, 2006 at 7:04 PM | link to this | reply

Good comment. Some people in Louisiana don't take the storms too seriously do they? The hurricane had the biggest party in this deal.

posted by sarooster on March 1, 2006 at 7:02 PM | link to this | reply

Sarooster - I don’t know why I bother but here goes.

Government scientists had created a mock hurricane they named “Pam” and everything which occurred when Katrina hit was included in their findings. This information had been widely shared with all applicable government agencies long before Katrina hit. The study detailed problems with the levy system and anticipated wide range flooding if a category 3 or 4 hurricane hit. We have spent billions of $ on DHS and FEMA, yet before these 2 agencies came into being, we did a better job of addressing hurricanes and disasters than we have since the billions have been spent.

People were told to evacuate but many didn’t have transportation or the money to leave. The areas worst hit were poverty areas where, at the end of the month, they didn’t even have money for fuel even if they did have a car. No one made any arrangements to get buses out to the neighborhoods to provide for evacuation.

The videos made public today makes lies out of much the administration said to the American public after Katrina hit. Hell, if they’d have watched television at least they would have known how bad things were.

If I had lived in the New Orleans area, and lost everything I had in the world, I’d be suing the federal government for failure to create levy’s which could actually protect the area.

They didn’t evacuate? You’re right, many didn’t. They trusted the levy’s. So if they HAD all evacuated, how much different would things look right now? Would the houses still be gone? Would the garbage still be there? Would there still be nowhere to send children to school? Still a shortage of hospitals? Would those local and state governments still be nearly bankrupt? Yes, yes, and yes.

posted by blogflogger on March 1, 2006 at 6:47 PM | link to this | reply

I agree with the majority of what you have said.

I would only say that seeing as many areas in the city are below sea level, officials should have already had an evac. plan in place to a tee.  Everyone should have known where busses would be, and how to get to them.  It just amazes me that what happened has shocked anyone.

posted by dejtemper on March 1, 2006 at 6:42 PM | link to this | reply

Couldn't agree with you more....and the executive order was given 2 days before ..people tend to forget that part. My level of compassion decreases everyday for the folks down there. I feel bad about anyone losing their home and such, but dang they had to be looking at the same TV we were and that TV said they were going to be in the way of a cat was just that darn simple... I recall seeing some interviews prior to the flooding and the people being interviewed said they were having parties because it was just going to pass by them...well hello to them...being nearby in a cat 5 is not a place to hold a party.... idiots!

posted by Offy on March 1, 2006 at 6:38 PM | link to this | reply